Constellation Cards
Constellation Cards

The Harbor

The Harbor

A Harbor is the home of trade and travel, to and from the city. It is often a visitor's first introduction to the city. Commercial transports, whether caravans, trains, or zeppelins, are found everywhere here.

A flourishing Harbor is the life and breath of a city. Anything people need or want that isn't obtained locally must be brought from somewhere else, and it all comes through the Harbor.

  • What kinds of vehicles or technology move people or cargo here?
  • What is the experience of someone coming here? Of leaving?
  • What are some of the trading partners or destinations represented here?
  • Are other cultures and their visitors mostly found here, or do they inhabit the rest of the city?

Flip to see the struggling version of this neighborhood

The Harbor

A Harbor is the home of trade and travel, to and from the city. It is often the last sight a regretful traveler sees before leaving. Commercial transports, whether caravans, trains, or zeppelins, are uncommon or sometimes found in states of neglect.

A struggling Harbor is doing its best to keep the city afloat. Whether conditions are bad here, or whether the city's trading partners have fallen on hard times (or abandoned it), all the neighborhood can do is keep moving whatever's left.

  • What kinds of transportation vehicles or technology were or are found here?
  • Did the city let its trading partners down, or the other way around?
  • What is now short supply?
  • Who could help? Why don't they?

Flip to see the flourishing version of this neighborhood