Constellation Cards
Constellation Cards

The Temple

The Temple

The Temple is devoted to the spiritual and religious elements of the city and its inhabitants. It might be a single colossal church, a network of holy places for every faith, or tiny shrines to tiny gods scattered across the city.

A flourishing Temple attracts a faithful flock. Worshippers come to pray, to donate, and to find their inner selves. Priests, wise men, and perhaps actual spirits may intercede to help troubled souls or provide advice.

  • What belief system or systems are practiced here?
  • Are beliefs or practices divided along social lines such as wealth, species, or neighborhood?
  • How has faith affected the city for good? For ill?

Flip to see the struggling version of this neighborhood

The Temple

The Temple is devoted to the spiritual and religious elements of the city and its inhabitants. It might be a disgraced or amoral mega-church, a collection of squabbling rival churches, or the remnants of an older and forgotten belief system.

A struggling Temple has been abandoned by its flock. The city as a whole might consider faith a dead end or a scam. The priests and leaders may have become corrupt or greedy, or simply have lost faith in their own institutions. If there are real gods, it's even possible they have abandoned the city.

  • What belief system or systems were practiced here?
  • What motive, such as greed, corruption, or apathy, stands against them?
  • How has a lack of faith helped, or hurt?

Flip to see the flourishing version of this neighborhood