Core Rules (Crisis)

You can use crisis cards at different moments of the game to change the urgency or tension of a scene.

Introducing a crisis card changes the rules of card draws and flips in special situations. The crisis card is discarded once the scene ends.

Uncertain Crisis

Core Rules (Crisis)

Some situations cannot be solved by skill or virtue, but only good fortune.

When you encounter such a crisis, decide what it would take to escape it, such as leaving the area successfully.

  • A chaotic natural disaster, such as flooding
  • Navigating a complex and ever-shifting maze
  • Entreating with capricious spirits or divinities
Define the scope of the crisis, and flip this card

Uncertain Crisis

Core Rules (Crisis)

You may not flip any cards in front of you (e.g. Character cards) to generate hits.

You may flip shared cards (e.g. Plot cards) or draw/pick a new card (e.g. Condition card, Random oracle card).

    Flip this card when the crisis is past

    Gauntlet Crisis

    Core Rules (Crisis)

    Some situations are grueling and exhausting, wearing down your reserves faster than you can recover. Sooner or later, something has to give.

    When you encounter such a crisis, decide what it would take to survive it, such as escaping an enemy or saving a friend.

    • A furious and violent chase
    • Survival in a hostile and dangerous environment
    • An extended and grueling magical ritual
    Define the scope of the crisis, and flip this card

    Gauntlet Crisis

    Core Rules (Crisis)

    No card in front of you (e.g. Character cards) may be flipped more than once to generate a hit.

    You may flip group cards (e.g. Plot cards) or draw/pick a new card (e.g. Condition card, Random oracle card).

      Flip this card when the crisis is past

      Overwhelming Crisis

      Core Rules (Crisis)

      Some situations will wreck a character's plans and assumptions, or be so daunting they have no idea how to handle it at first.

      When you encounter such a crisis, decide what it would take to survive it, such as defeating an enemy or finding shelter.

      • Final boss fights
      • Being sent to a new world
      • Confrontation with divine forces
      Define the scope of the crisis, and flip this card

      Overwhelming Crisis

      Core Rules (Crisis)

      Immediately flip all Character cards in front of all players to their back side.

      Cards may be flipped back and used in the usual way from then on.

        Flip this card when the crisis is past