Constellation Cards
When we look at the night sky, we can see constellations. Cygnus the swan, Orion the hunter, Canis Major, the Big Dipper. Our eyes see the stars, but our imagination supplies the pattern.
This is a role-playing game (RPG) that uses cards, such as 3"x5" index cards. You will need a printed set of the cards that come with the game. You will also want a supply of blank cards, and something to write with. The game is ideally played by 3-6 people, but it can support any number of players, even solo play.
The cards supply rules for handling characters, challenges, combat, and so on. But like the stars that form a constellation, the cards can only suggest an outline. You must bring your imagination and your passion, and fill in the shape of the story yourself.
Although many of the cards and examples have a high fantasy flavor, you can use this game to depict any setting you want. You may need to create, rewrite, or remove some cards to achieve the specific genre you want.
You can play online via Tabletop Simulator on Steam. The Community Workshop link is at the bottom of this page. You can click on the Quickstart PDF link at the bottom for the rules.
At this time, you can't order physical copies of the cards. You will be able to once the cards are finalized.
To see the cards in the game, start browsing by clicking on the Decks and Stacks lists.