The Boulevard

CITY | City (Neighborhood)

A Boulevard is where the city's artistic and aesthetic offerings connect with individual citizens. Shops, eateries, arcades, and more offer visitors chances to spend money and time. A variety of sights, sounds, and smells attracts both tourists and locals.

  • What are some of the notable sights and attractions?
  • What sort of crowds come here?
  • Does the crowd change due to time of day, season, etc.?
Flip to see the struggling version of this neighborhood

The Boulevard

CITY | City (Neighborhood)

A Boulevard is where the city's artistic and aesthetic offerings connect with individual citizens. Right now, people aren't there. Whether it's fallen from former glories, or nurturing an unblossomed seed of new ambition, it's not giving people a reason to come.

  • How new is the Boulevard compared to the city overall?
  • How does its current state make people feel?
  • Is anyone trying to attract new visitors? To stop them?
Flip to see the flourishing version of this neighborhood

The Harbor

CITY | City (Neighborhood)

A Harbor is the home of trade and travel. It is a visitor's introduction to the city, and the city's commercial blood and breath.

  • What kinds of vehicles or technology move people or cargo?
  • What is the experience of someone coming here? Of leaving?
  • What trading partners or destinations are represented here?
  • What glimpses of other cultures might you find here?
Flip to see the struggling version of this neighborhood

The Harbor

CITY | City (Neighborhood)

A Harbor is the home of trade and travel, to and from the city. It is often the last sight a regretful traveler sees before leaving. Commercial transports - caravans, trains, or zeppelins - are run down, neglected, or underutilized.

  • What modes of transportation are found here?
  • Are conditions poor because of the city, or something outside?
  • Who could help? Why don't they?
Flip to see the flourishing version of this neighborhood

The Marketplace

CITY | City (Neighborhood)

The Marketplace is the commercial core of the city. It might include a rowdy labyrinth of vendors hawking their wares, a smoke-smothered block of forges and anvils where blacksmiths arm the soldiery, or warehouses full of grain or rice.

  • What goods is the neighborhood best known for?
  • What can be found here, but is unknown to most visitors?
  • Who controls what's found here?
Flip to see the struggling version of this neighborhood

The Marketplace

CITY | City (Neighborhood)

The Marketplace is the commercial core of the city. The vendors may be few and far between, the fires of the forge may lie extinguished, and farmers' crops may rot in warehouses - or be taken away at insultingly low prices.

  • Does the neighborhood have the wrong goods, or the wrong buyers?
  • What hidden assets might still be found here?
  • Who profits from the current situation? Who does not?
Flip to see the flourishing version of this neighborhood

The Sanctuary

CITY | City (Neighborhood)

The Sanctuary is a city within the city. It might be a walled-off enclave, a culturally distinct community, a gentrified neighborhood, a historical relic, or something else. Its shops, home, and infrastructure are self-sufficient, and aesthetically or culturally unique.

  • Who lives here? Why do they live here specifically?
  • What separates the Sanctuary from the rest of the city?
  • What sustains the sanctuary and its peoples' lifestyles?
Flip to see the struggling version of this neighborhood

The Sanctuary

CITY | City (Neighborhood)

The Sanctuary is a city within the city. It might be an isolated enclave, a brow-beaten borough, a place to abandon the unwanted, or something else. A sanctuary can barely sustain its residents, whether due to lack of goods or intentional deprivation.

  • Who lives here? Why do they live in the Sanctuary specifically?
  • Is the Sanctuary keeping the outside out, or the inhabitants in?
  • Who rules here? Who suffers?
Flip to see the flourishing version of this neighborhood

The Temple

CITY | City (Neighborhood)

The Temple is devoted to the spiritual and religious elements of the city and its inhabitants. It might be a single colossal church, a network of holy places for every faith, or tiny shrines to tiny gods scattered across the city.

  • What belief systems exist?
  • Are beliefs or practices divided along social lines such as wealth, species, or neighborhood?
  • How has faith affected the city for good? For ill?
Flip to see the struggling version of this neighborhood

The Temple

CITY | City (Neighborhood)

The Temple is devoted to the spiritual and religious elements of the city and its inhabitants. It might be a disgraced or amoral mega-church, a collection of squabbling rival churches, or the remnants of an older and forgotten belief system.

  • What belief system or systems were practiced here?
  • What motive, such as greed, corruption, or apathy, stands against them?
  • How has a lack of faith helped, or hurt?
Flip to see the flourishing version of this neighborhood

The Underground

CITY | City (Neighborhood)

The Underground is what people don't see about the city. It might be literally underground, like sewers or burial chambers, or just necessary but boring infrastructure like aqueducts.

  • What vital services does the Underground provide?
  • How does the Underground physically connect with the rest of the city?
  • Who lives here, and what do they do?
Flip to see the struggling version of this neighborhood

The Underground

CITY | City (Neighborhood)

The Underground is what people don't want to see about the city. It is the filthy waterways and skull-strewn tombs. It has been abandoned or is being misused, and may be dangerous due to its inhabitants or simple neglect.

  • How much of the Underground still functions? What has broken down?
  • What social ills, like disease or poverty, have taken hold?
  • Who lives here, and how are they suffering?
Flip to see the flourishing version of this neighborhood


CITY | City (Neighborhood)

Uptown is the city's crown. It is home to the elite, including skilled creators, wealthy merchants, influential politicians, and beloved performers. Visitors might beseech an Uptown resident to fund their ventures, or seek their attention for some new idea or creation.

  • What political and social systems support the neighborhood's position?
  • How is power wielded here?
  • How does someone become accepted by Uptown?
Flip to see the struggling version of this neighborhood


CITY | City (Neighborhood)

Uptown is the city's fallen crown. Bourgeoisie merchants with pretentions to greatness, shabby aristocrats fallen from favor, or forgotten influencers might all be found here, hunting for real power or comforting delusions.

  • What political or social systems once supported the neighborhood?
  • Do the inhabitants still believe they hold real power?
  • What will they do to get it back?
Flip to see the flourishing version of this neighborhood

The Warren

CITY | City (Neighborhood)

The Warren is the hidden heart of the city. It is an organic tangle of alleyways, residences, nameless shops, side streets, historical buildings, and more. The things that make the city unique emerge from here unannounced.

  • What traditions or styles did the Warren give birth to?
  • What hidden treasures can be found here?
  • How do locals and visitors interact with each other?
Flip to see the struggling version of this neighborhood

The Warren

CITY | City (Neighborhood)

The Warren is the hidden heart of the city. It is an impenetrable maze of dark alleys, boarded-up shops, narrow streets, ancient graveyards, and more. It is the city's secret suffering.

  • Has the city forsaken itself, or fallen prey to outside influence?
  • What secrets do the inhabitants furtively guard?
  • Does the Warren bristle at visitors, or hunker down and wait for them to leave?
Flip to see the flourishing version of this neighborhood


CITY | City (Dynamic)

Two neighborhoods are connected via artistic expression. One may house artists who draw inspiration or receive funding from the other. Artists of different traditions may cross-train, creating a new and unique tradition.

  • What forms of art exist in the city?
  • How does the city view those who make art?
  • Who is interested in collecting or commissioning art?
Flip to see the unstable version of this dynamic


CITY | City (Dynamic)

Two neighborhoods are connected via artistic expression. One's artists may be exploited by patrons from the other, or the artists are improperly borrowing from a neighboring culture. Two neighborhoods may have competing cultural and artistic traditions.

  • What forms of art exist in the city?
  • How does the city view those who make art?
  • Who is interested in collecting or commissioning art?
Flip to see the stable version of this dynamic


CITY | City (Dynamic)

Two neighborhoods are connected via criminal activity, from petty theft and pickpocketing to smuggling to murder. Organized crime cartels, thieves' guilds, etc. from one neighborhood may prey on the other. Or legitimate business in one is being propped up by criminal activity in the other.

  • What kinds of laws exist? Are they fair?
  • Who enforces those laws? How strictly?
  • How does the public view the criminal element?
Flip to see the unstable version of this dynamic


CITY | City (Dynamic)

Two neighborhoods are connected via criminal activity, From petty theft and pickpocketing to smuggling to murder. Gang wars between rival factions, a single criminal mastermind, or open corruption are all possibilities.

  • What kinds of laws exist? Are they fair?
  • Who enforces those laws? How strictly?
  • How does the public view the criminal element?
Flip to see the stable version of this dynamic


CITY | City (Dynamic)

People from one neighborhood buy or sell goods and services to the other. Advertising, word of mouth, or tradition might entice new visitors. Supply and demand are roughly balanced, or the market is adaptable enough to cope when they aren't.

  • Who pays whom, and for what?
  • Who benefits from the arrangement? Who suffers?
  • Who would like a piece of the action?
Flip to see the unstable version of this dynamic


CITY | City (Dynamic)

People from one neighborhood in the dynamic buy or sell goods and services to the other. Market prices are volatile, or there may be an imbalance in supply vs. demand.

  • Who gains from the instability? Who loses?
  • Where else can supply, demand, or labor be found instead?
  • How are people coping?
Flip to see the stable version of this dynamic


CITY | City (Dynamic)

Two neighborhoods interact through arcane goods and services. One may supply the other's needs, or contain a natural source for something vital or valuable. Or both may contribute ingredients to complete a final thing.

  • What kinds of things are exchanged?
  • What kind of people work with them?
  • How does the city view such people?
Flip to see the unstable version of this dynamic


CITY | City (Dynamic)

Two neighborhoods interact through arcane goods and services. Although one needs what the other has, the exchange is threatened by mistrust, scarcity, or the volatility of the materials and processes themselves.

  • What kinds of things are exchanged?
  • What kind of people work with them?
  • How does the city view such people?
Flip to see the stable version of this dynamic


CITY | City (Dynamic)

Two neighborhoods are connected by something happening outside the city. This could be immigration, trade, religious or political action, cultural trends, or something else.

  • What is the external?
  • Is the city importing or exporting it?
  • Who benefits? Who doesn't?
Flip to see the unstable version of this dynamic


CITY | City (Dynamic)

Two neighborhoods are connected by something happening outside the city. Whether people, things, or trends, life in the neighborhoods is being shaken up by it.

  • What is the external?
  • Is the city importing or exporting it?
  • Who benefits? Who doesn't?
Flip to see the stable version of this dynamic


CITY | City (Dynamic)

Two neighborhoods are connected by the production of goods. One may supply workers and/or raw materials for the other, one may buy what the other makes, or the two may cooperate in other ways.

  • What is being made? Processed metals, medicines, tools?
  • How is it being used? By whom? For what?
  • Who wants these things? Who doesn't them to be made?
Flip to see the unstable version of this dynamic


CITY | City (Dynamic)

Two neighborhoods are connected by the production of goods. Labor disputes, material shortages, sabotage, or technological progress can all make that process unstable.

  • What is being made? Processed metals, medicines, tools?
  • How is it being used? By whom? For what?
  • Who wants these things? Who doesn't them to be made?
Flip to see the stable version of this dynamic


CITY | City (Dynamic)

Two neighborhoods interact via power, influence, and leadership. There is a long-standing arrangement or entrenched leadership keeping things stable. Enough people, or the right people, like things as they are and work to keep it that way.

  • Who benefits from the situation? Who suffers?
  • What keeps the relationship going?
  • How reluctant are people to acknowledge or confront the situation?
Flip to see the unstable version of this dynamic


CITY | City (Dynamic)

Two neighborhoods interact via influence, and leadership. One might dominate another, depend on another for legitimacy, or prioritize or ignore the other. When the corrupt edifice falls, who will be beneath it when it finally falls?

  • Who is agitating for change? Who holds the line?
  • What outside influences are present? Who do they support?
  • Is the struggle physically peaceful or violent?
Flip to see the stable version of this dynamic


CITY | City (Dynamic)

Two neighborhoods play off each other via fashion or pop culture. The trends of the moment may shift between the two, or the tension between them may be what creates the magic. The results are disseminated through parties, performances, and gossip.

  • What's in fashion now? What is out now?
  • How is fashion expressed, e.g. clothes, jewelry, music, tattoos?
  • Who are the trendsetters? Who are the rebels?
Flip to see the unstable version of this dynamic


CITY | City (Dynamic)

Two neighborhoods play off each other via fashion or pop culture. One may be trying to crush the other's creative efforts, or upstage the other in increasingly desperate ways. The results may be soulless, gaudy, or seen as needlessly aggressive.

  • What's in fashion now? What is out now?
  • How is fashion expressed, e.g. clothes, jewelry, music, tattoos?
  • Who are the trendsetters? Who are the rebels?
Flip to see the stable version of this dynamic

The Activist

CITY | City (Personality)

The Activist longs for change and represents those who feel likewise. They may use rhetoric, influence-peddling, money, or direct action to achieve their aims. Whatever their goal, it now seems to be in reach.

  • What are the Activist's goals?
  • Who do they represent? Who do they oppose?
  • How far will they go? Have they gone?
Flip to see the vulnerable version of this personality

The Activist

CITY | City (Personality)

The Activist longs for change and represents those who feel likewise. They may use rhetoric, influence-peddling, money, or direct action to achieve their aims. Although driven, they are unsuccessful and desperate.

  • What are the Activist's goals?
  • Who do they represent? Who do they oppose?
  • How far will they go? Have they gone?
Flip to see the dominant version of this personality

The Factotum

CITY | City (Personality)

The Factotum is not a leader, but serves those who lead. They handle the complexities of day-to-day business. They hold the keys to the doors of power, and may unlock them for the right querent.

  • Who do they serve? Why?
  • Between the Factotum and their leader, who really rules?
  • What does the Factotum personally want?
Flip to see the vulnerable version of this personality

The Factotum

CITY | City (Personality)

The Factotum is not a leader, but serves those who lead. They struggle with complexities of day-to-day business. Their inexperience, their patron's incompetence, or a heavy workload all weigh them down.

  • Who do they serve? Why?
  • Does the Factotum burden their leader, or vice versa?
  • What does the Factotum personally want?
Flip to see the dominant version of this personality

The Hardliner

CITY | City (Personality)

The Hardliner defends and justifies the status quo. They resist change, whether from hard experience, stubbornness, or selfishness. They are likely to prevail against uncoordinated efforts at reform.

  • What motivates the Hardliner to hold their position?
  • How sincere are their stated objections to change?
  • How have their beliefs changed over time?
Flip to see the vulnerable version of this personality

The Hardliner

CITY | City (Personality)

The Hardliner defends and justifies the status quo. They resist change, whether from hard experience, stubbornness, or selfishness. When reform looks likely, they grow desperate to hold onto their diminishing status.

  • What motivates the Hardliner to hold their position?
  • How sincere are their stated objections to change?
  • How have their beliefs changed over time?
Flip to see the dominant version of this personality

The Mediator

CITY | City (Personality)

The Mediator tries to negotiate between competing factions or ideologies. Doing so depends on good relations within each group. They achieve meaningful change when possible, and balance the compromises such change demands.

  • How does the Mediator achieve their ends?
  • What sacrifices must they make?
  • What is their real goal?
Flip to see the vulnerable version of this personality

The Mediator

CITY | City (Personality)

The Mediator tries to negotiate between competing factions or ideologies. Doing so depends on good relations within each group. Those relations may be threatened, the groups may refuse to budge, or the Mediator has settled for a facade of peace rather than progress.

  • How does the Mediator achieve their ends?
  • What sacrifices must they make?
  • What is their real goal?
Flip to see the dominant version of this personality

The Newcomer

CITY | City (Personality)

The Newcomer is unfamiliar with the city and their place in it. They may be a new ruler, an important visitor, or the heir to a fortune or legacy they've returned to inherit. For now, those around them are helping them adjust.

  • What makes the Newcomer significant?
  • What makes them stand out from how the city usually does things?
  • Who has their ear? Who seeks it?
Flip to see the vulnerable version of this personality

The Newcomer

CITY | City (Personality)

The Newcomer is unfamiliar with the city and their place in it. They may be a new ruler, an important visitor, or the heir to a fortune or legacy they've returned to inherit. Alas, those around them do not have their best interests at heart.

  • What makes the Newcomer significant?
  • What makes them stand out from how the city usually does things?
  • Who has their ear? Who seeks it?
Flip to see the dominant version of this personality

The Plotter

CITY | City (Personality)

The Plotter wishes to exploit conditions for some private goal. They might be corrupt officials, influence-peddlers, or blackmailers. Whether their goals are selfish or selfless, they seem likely to succeed.

  • What personal holds or secrets enable the Plotter's schemes?
  • Who works with them? Why?
  • What is their ultimate goal - profit, progress, or something else?
Flip to see the vulnerable version of this personality

The Plotter

CITY | City (Personality)

The Plotter wishes to exploit conditions for some private goal. They might be corrupt officials, influence-peddlers, or blackmailers. They are hunted, on the verge of exposure, or compromised themselves.

  • What personal holds or secrets enable the Plotter's schemes?
  • Who works with them? Why?
  • What is their ultimate goal - profit, progress, or something else?
Flip to see the dominant version of this personality

The Scion

CITY | City (Personality)

The Scion is the beneficiary of long city tradition. They may come from noble stock or long-hoarded wealth, hold an old and honored name, or hold significant land or relics. They seem well-liked and happy in their position.

  • What is the Scion's place in the city and its history?
  • What secrets does their legacy hold?
  • How have they used their position?
Flip to see the vulnerable version of this personality

The Scion

CITY | City (Personality)

The Scion is the beneficiary of long city tradition. The may come from once-honored aristocratic stock, inherit ill-gotten gains, or live in the shadow of whispered accusations and dark secrets about their bloodline.

  • What is the Scion's place in the city and its history?
  • What secrets does their legacy hold?
  • How have they used their position?
Flip to see the dominant version of this personality

The Turncoat

CITY | City (Personality)

The Turncoat betrayed someone or something else, and that betrayal will always hang over their head. They have secured a place for themselves, but those who know may still remember, and watch.

  • Who or what did they betray? On their own, or at the behest of others?
  • Was it for the best? Did they think it was for the best?
  • Do those betrayed still interact with the Turncoat?
Flip to see the vulnerable version of this personality

The Turncoat

CITY | City (Personality)

The Turncoat betrayed someone or something else, and that betrayal will always hang over their head. They now suffer for their transgression, however right or wrong it was, and scheme or hope for a return to power.

  • Who or what did they betray? On their own, or at the behest of others?
  • Was it for the best? Did they think it was for the best?
  • Do those betrayed still interact with the Turncoat?
Flip to see the dominant version of this personality


The City deck contains cards for creating a city full of excitement and adventure. Cities are defined as neighborhoods connected by power dynamics, and represented by strong personalities.