A Boulevard is where the city's artistic and aesthetic offerings connect with individual citizens. Shops, eateries, arcades, and more offer visitors chances to spend money and time. A variety of sights, sounds, and smells attracts both tourists and locals.
- What are some of the notable sights and attractions?
- What sort of crowds come here?
- Does the crowd change due to time of day, season, etc.?
CITY | City (Dynamic)
Two neighborhoods play off each other via fashion or pop culture. The trends of the moment may shift between the two, or the tension between them may be what creates the magic. The results are disseminated through parties, performances, and gossip.
- What's in fashion now? What is out now?
- How is fashion expressed, e.g. clothes, jewelry, music, tattoos?
- Who are the trendsetters? Who are the rebels?
Flip to see the unstable version of this dynamicSocial
CITY | City (Dynamic)
Two neighborhoods play off each other via fashion or pop culture. One may be trying to crush the other's creative efforts, or upstage the other in increasingly desperate ways. The results may be soulless, gaudy, or seen as needlessly aggressive.
- What's in fashion now? What is out now?
- How is fashion expressed, e.g. clothes, jewelry, music, tattoos?
- Who are the trendsetters? Who are the rebels?
Flip to see the stable version of this dynamic