
CORE | Core Rules

Start the game by reading this text aloud:

"I'd like your help. Your help to make this game fun for everyone. If anything makes anyone uncomfortable in any way, just lift this card up, or simply tap it. You don't have to explain why. It doesn't matter why. When we lift or tap this card, we simply edit out anything X-Carded."

    Flip for the remainder of the text


    CORE | Core Rules

    Continue reading:

    "And if there is ever an issue, anyone can call for a break and we can talk privately. I know it sounds funny but it will help us play amazing games together and usually I'm the one who uses the X card to protect myself from all of you! Please help make this game fun for everyone. Thank you!"

      Lay this card at the center of the play area

      What If?

      CORE | Core Rules

      When another player narrates a PC's action, such as "I attack the ogre", you can ask "what if...?" You must propose an interesting alternative outcome, such as "what if the ogre smashes you across the room?"

      If anyone else in the group accepts the What If, and no player vetoes it, the original player must get a Hit for their narration to prevail. They can also opt to accept the What If.

      What Ifs can pre-empt the action ("your attack doesn't land, the ogre smashes you") or add to it ("your attack lands, and the ogre counters").

        Flip for additional rules.

        What If?

        CORE | Core Rules

        Other players can suggest ways to build on the What If, or propose their own alternatives. Only one What If can prevail.

        Use What Ifs to make characters work overcome threats, or introduce complications to their actions. What Ifs can pre-empt the original action, or add an outcome after it finishes.

        What If...

        • A Condition card you took would interfere with your action?
        • The risks inherent in some difficult or complex action come into play?
        • A new danger appears, or an existing danger is escalated?
        • It seems dramatically appropriate for a thing to happen?
        Flip for additional rules.

        Character Cards

        CORE | Core Rules

        To create a new PC, pick three cards: Focus, Role, and Origin. You can choose cards at random, or select them yourself.

        These cards describe the traits that you want to spotlight during the game. Just because someone else has the Courage card doesn't mean your character isn't courageous, only that it's not going to be the quality you're focusing on.

        • Front: get a Hit by flipping the card
        • Back: flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone
        Other side is identical

        Character Cards

        CORE | Core Rules

        To create a new PC, pick three cards: Focus, Role, and Origin. You can choose cards at random, or select them yourself.

        These cards describe the traits that you want to spotlight during the game. Just because someone else has the Courage card doesn't mean your character isn't courageous, only that it's not going to be the quality you're focusing on.

        • Front: get a Hit by flipping the card
        • Back: flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone
        Other side is identical

        Condition Cards

        CORE | Core Rules

        You can take a condition to get a Hit. Describe how. You can flip a front-side condition to worsen it and get a Hit. Describe how. Players who pose a What If can suggest a Condition that would meet it.

        The condition is fictionally true and limits your actions. Other players can should ask What If when a condition would interfere with something you do. Discard any conditions that no longer apply in the fiction.

        Individual condition cards describe how to clear them.

          Flip to see examples

          Condition Examples

          CORE | Core Rules

          Conditions are a way to achieve success at a cost.

          • You take Disarmed to score a final sword blow
          • Another player suggests that touching the idol will leave you Magicked
          • Take Weakened to stay within the poison cloud
          • You're already Hurt, but you can worsen it to Wounded to launch a final desperate attack
          • Spend a scene being healed by a priestess to discard Hurt, or a week of downtime doing odd jobs to discard Indebted
          Flip to see rules

          The Principal

          CORE | Agenda | x6

          You create and play a Principal Character (PC).

          You narrate your PC's actions, reactions, and motivations. You are the final authority on what your character says or does.

          • Stay true to your character
          • Share ways for other players to help you have fun
          • Look for opportunities to advance your story
          • Support other players' stories
          Whoever plays this card is a principal. Flip for additional rules.

          The Principal

          CORE | Agenda | x6

          During play, you can speak from one of several agendas.

          These agendas can be assigned individually to several people, or all given to a single player.

          The agendas can change hands during the game. You cannot take an agenda away from someone else, but you can ask someone else to give up an agenda.

          If you've been assigned an agenda, you are bound to speak from it.

            Whoever plays this card is a principal. Flip for additional rules.

            The Facilitator

            CORE | Agenda

            You push the scene forward by directing the spotlight of attention from player to player in fun and fair ways.

            Move the spotlight:

            • toward a PC who's at risk or in danger
            • toward a player who hasn't acted recently
            • toward a player who has an interesting idea
            • away from a player who finished a cool action
            Whoever plays this card is the facilitator. Flip for additional rules.

            The Facilitator

            CORE | Agenda

            During play, you can speak from one of several agendas.

            These agendas can be assigned individually to several people, or all given to a single player.

            The agendas can change hands during the game. You cannot take an agenda away from someone else, but you can ask someone else to give up an agenda.

            If you've been assigned an agenda, you are bound to speak from it.

              Whoever plays this card is the facilitator. Flip for additional rules.

              The Lorekeeper

              CORE | Agenda

              You oversee the background details of the game world. Defer to players whose PC's heritage, origin, or interests would supply answers to background questions.

              • Who was the greatest Paladin in history?
              • What languages might my character learn to speak?
              • When did the dragons disappear?
              • How does magic work, anyway?
              Whoever plays this card is the lorekeeper. Flip for additional rules.

              The Lorekeeper

              CORE | Agenda

              During play, you can speak from one of several agendas.

              These agendas can be assigned individually to several people, or all given to a single player.

              The agendas can change hands during the game. You cannot take an agenda away from someone else, but you can ask someone else to give up an agenda.

              If you've been assigned an agenda, you are bound to speak from it.

                Whoever plays this card is the lorekeeper. Flip for additional rules.

                The Referee

                CORE | Agenda

                You adjudicate questions about the rules of the game, and make changes to the rules with the group's consent. Any player can suggest how to handle a rule, but you have the final say.

                Example rulings:

                • Is a given card applicable to this fictional situation?
                • How should a given card's text be interpreted?
                • Is it time to create a new card?
                Whoever plays this card is the referee. Flip for additional rules.

                The Referee

                CORE | Agenda

                During play, you can speak from one of several agendas.

                These agendas can be assigned individually to several people, or all given to a single player.

                The agendas can change hands during the game. You cannot take an agenda away from someone else, but you can ask someone else to give up an agenda.

                If you've been assigned an agenda, you are bound to speak from it.

                  Whoever plays this card is the referee. Flip for additional rules.

                  The Storyteller

                  CORE | Agenda

                  The game also has Ensemble Characters (ECs), sometimes called Non-Player Characters (NPCs). You narrate their actions and reactions as antagonists, allies, bystanders, and so on.

                  • Give ECs a name and identity
                  • Find the essential humanity of every EC
                  • Don't steal agency or spotlight from the PCs
                  • Initiate actions that prompt a PC response
                  Whoever plays this card is the storyteller. Flip for additional rules.

                  The Storyteller

                  CORE | Agenda

                  During play, you can speak from one of several agendas.

                  These agendas can be assigned individually to several people, or all given to a single player.

                  The agendas can change hands during the game. You cannot take an agenda away from someone else, but you can ask someone else to give up an agenda.

                  If you've been assigned an agenda, you are bound to speak from it.

                    Whoever plays this card is the storyteller. Flip for additional rules.


                    CORE | Optional Rules (Frame)

                    Frame cards let you quickly create a game to play, when nobody in the group has any strong ideas. They are like character cards for the game itself.

                    Each player draws a random Frame card, or picks a specific one. They then make decisions based on those cards about what to play, and the group discusses what to make of all this. The cards are the start of a conversation, not the end of it - players can draw new cards, change their mind, etc.

                      Flip to see the specific Frame. Discard once play begins.


                      CORE | Optional Rules (Frame)

                      An Activity is whatever the players will typically be doing during the game, at least at first.

                      Individual characters could be well suited for the activity, but it's also interesting if they aren't, but must do it anyway.

                      • Treasure hunting
                      • Escaping powerful enemies
                      • Rescuing people in need
                      • Exploring mysteries
                      Flip to see additional rules. Discard once play begins.


                      CORE | Optional Rules (Frame)

                      Frame cards let you quickly create a game to play, when nobody in the group has any strong ideas. They are like character cards for the game itself.

                      Each player draws a random Frame card, or picks a specific one. They then make decisions based on those cards about what to play, and the group discusses what to make of all this. The cards are the start of a conversation, not the end of it - players can draw new cards, change their mind, etc.

                        Flip to see the specific Frame. Discard once play begins.


                        CORE | Optional Rules (Frame)

                        This is the place & time the game takes place. The game doesn't have to stay here, but it should start here.

                        Setting can come with cultural assumptions that players don't know (e.g. personal etiquette), or aren't comfortable with (e.g. racism). Make sure everyone is comfortable with playing in a proposed setting, and explain in detail what's important about the setting to you.

                        • Edwardian London, 1905
                        • A Wild West with dinosaurs
                        • A mysterious space empire
                        • The ancient past or a ruined future
                        Flip to see additional rules. Discard once play begins.


                        CORE | Optional Rules (Frame)

                        Frame cards let you quickly create a game to play, when nobody in the group has any strong ideas. They are like character cards for the game itself.

                        Each player draws a random Frame card, or picks a specific one. They then make decisions based on those cards about what to play, and the group discusses what to make of all this. The cards are the start of a conversation, not the end of it - players can draw new cards, change their mind, etc.

                          Flip to see the specific Frame. Discard once play begins.


                          CORE | Optional Rules (Frame)

                          Perspective is whose side of a conflict we're seeing. In a war between two sides, each side is a Perspective, but so are the innocent civilians caught in the middle, or the visitors from uninvolved nations trapped by the fighting.

                          Not every player needs to play a member of the Perspective group, but that group is who the group will most often interact with.

                          • Partisans and patriots in a conflict
                          • Oppressed or neglected people
                          • People uncovering or concealing a secret
                          • Travelers experiencing local events
                          Flip to see additional rules. Discard once play begins.


                          CORE | Optional Rules (Frame)

                          Frame cards let you quickly create a game to play, when nobody in the group has any strong ideas. They are like character cards for the game itself.

                          Each player draws a random Frame card, or picks a specific one. They then make decisions based on those cards about what to play, and the group discusses what to make of all this. The cards are the start of a conversation, not the end of it - players can draw new cards, change their mind, etc.

                            Flip to see the specific Frame. Discard once play begins.


                            CORE | Optional Rules (Frame)

                            Scope is the outer boundary of the game's action and conflicts. If you tell a story about WW2, the scope could be a single unit of soldiers, the entire Pacific conflict, the siege of a single city in the Ardennes, or anything in between.

                            • A single town or city
                            • A specific group of people
                            • A trade route or geographic region
                            • A whole world or planet
                            Flip to see additional rules. Discard once play begins.


                            CORE | Optional Rules (Frame)

                            Frame cards let you quickly create a game to play, when nobody in the group has any strong ideas. They are like character cards for the game itself.

                            Each player draws a random Frame card, or picks a specific one. They then make decisions based on those cards about what to play, and the group discusses what to make of all this. The cards are the start of a conversation, not the end of it - players can draw new cards, change their mind, etc.

                              Flip to see the specific Frame. Discard once play begins.


                              CORE | Optional Rules (Frame)

                              Genre is any family of work connected in style or form. Genres come with expectations and tropes. For example, science fiction often comes with gadgets that save the day, while in horror it's common for devices like cars and phones to fail.

                              Genre is like a lens that colors how we see a story. The same old cabin by the lake could play host to romance, horror, or mystery stories.

                              • Action/Adventure
                              • Mystery
                              • Romance or Melodrama
                              • Sci-fi or Fantasy
                              Flip to see additional rules. Discard once play begins.


                              CORE | Optional Rules (Frame)

                              Frame cards let you quickly create a game to play, when nobody in the group has any strong ideas. They are like character cards for the game itself.

                              Each player draws a random Frame card, or picks a specific one. They then make decisions based on those cards about what to play, and the group discusses what to make of all this. The cards are the start of a conversation, not the end of it - players can draw new cards, change their mind, etc.

                                Flip to see the specific Frame. Discard once play begins.


                                CORE | Optional Rules (Frame)

                                Mood is the kind of emotion we want the game to elicit. Are we being silly? Are we being ultra-serious? Are we examining qualities of the world as observers, or do we want to immerse ourselves in the world as inhabitants?

                                • Cheerful vs. Somber
                                • Nostalgic vs. Progressive
                                • Optimistic vs. Pessimistic
                                • Serious vs. Comedic
                                Flip to see additional rules. Discard once play begins.


                                CORE | Optional Rules (Frame)

                                Frame cards let you quickly create a game to play, when nobody in the group has any strong ideas. They are like character cards for the game itself.

                                Each player draws a random Frame card, or picks a specific one. They then make decisions based on those cards about what to play, and the group discusses what to make of all this. The cards are the start of a conversation, not the end of it - players can draw new cards, change their mind, etc.

                                  Flip to see the specific Frame. Discard once play begins.


                                  CORE | Optional Rules (Frame)

                                  This is a game based on a specific work, such as Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Gideon the Ninth, etc. If you are basing a game on works that not every player knows, either be prepared to answer questions, or accept that some players may take the game in directions the original work didn't go.

                                  • What parts of the work do you want to bring in?
                                  • What parts do you not care about?
                                  • Which players know the inspiration vs. which don't?
                                  • What do you feel should be changed about the work? What shouldn't?
                                  Flip to see additional rules. Discard once play begins.


                                  CORE | Optional Rules (Frame)

                                  Frame cards let you quickly create a game to play, when nobody in the group has any strong ideas. They are like character cards for the game itself.

                                  Each player draws a random Frame card, or picks a specific one. They then make decisions based on those cards about what to play, and the group discusses what to make of all this. The cards are the start of a conversation, not the end of it - players can draw new cards, change their mind, etc.

                                    Flip to see the specific Frame. Discard once play begins.

                                    Pole Stars

                                    CORE | Optional Rules (Frame)

                                    A "Pole Star" is an in-game element (e.g. dragons) or a general topic (e.g. war) that you want the game to be about. The most interesting Pole Star games will have characters who all have different attitudes about the thing, but who have motives to work together despite their differences.

                                    • A fictional element you like (dragons, magic, time travel)
                                    • An important personal or social topic (crime, poverty)
                                    • A contentious event (the coronation of an unpopular ruler)
                                    • A moral or ethical concept (responding to tyranny)
                                    Flip to see additional rules. Discard once play begins.

                                    Uncertain Crisis

                                    CORE | Optional Rules (Crisis)

                                    Some situations cannot be solved by skill or virtue, but only good fortune.

                                    When you encounter such a crisis, decide what it would take to escape it, such as leaving the area successfully.

                                    • A chaotic natural disaster, such as flooding
                                    • Navigating a complex and ever-shifting maze
                                    • Entreating with capricious spirits or divinities
                                    Define the scope of the crisis, and flip this card

                                    Uncertain Crisis

                                    CORE | Optional Rules (Crisis)

                                    You may not flip any Character cards to get Hits.

                                    You may flip other types of cards (e.g. Plot Twist cards) or draw/pick a new card (e.g. Condition or Success Oracle) to get Hits.

                                      Discard this card when the crisis has passed

                                      Gauntlet Crisis

                                      CORE | Optional Rules (Crisis)

                                      Some situations are grueling and exhausting, wearing down your reserves faster than you can recover. Sooner or later, something has to give.

                                      When you encounter such a crisis, decide what it would take to survive it, such as escaping an enemy or saving a friend.

                                      • A furious and violent chase
                                      • Survival in a hostile and dangerous environment
                                      • An extended and grueling magical ritual
                                      Define the scope of the crisis, and flip this card

                                      Gauntlet Crisis

                                      CORE | Optional Rules (Crisis)

                                      No card in front of you (e.g. Character cards) may be flipped more than once to get a Hit.

                                      You may flip group cards (e.g. Plot Twist cards) or draw/pick a new card (e.g. Condition or Success Oracle cards).

                                        Discard this card when the crisis has passed

                                        Overwhelming Crisis

                                        CORE | Optional Rules (Crisis)

                                        Some situations will wreck a character's plans and assumptions, or be so daunting they have no idea how to handle it at first.

                                        When you encounter such a crisis, decide what it would take to survive it, such as defeating an enemy or finding shelter.

                                        • Final boss fights
                                        • Being sent to a new world
                                        • Confrontation with divine forces
                                        Define the scope of the crisis, and flip this card

                                        Overwhelming Crisis

                                        CORE | Optional Rules (Crisis)

                                        Immediately flip all players' Character cards to their back side.

                                        Cards may be flipped back and used in the usual way from then on.

                                          Discard this card when the crisis has passed

                                          Plot Twist (Benefit)

                                          CORE | Optional Rules (Crisis) | x6

                                          You may deal this card to another player, or into the center area. It represents some benefit that should appear later on. While the benefit might linger in the fiction, the mechanical effect can only happen once.

                                          • Special preparations or clever setups
                                          • A favor owed or a divine blessing
                                          • A one-use device or passkey that performs an action or grants access to something
                                          • A window of time or a special place where something is possible
                                          Discard this card to get a Hit

                                          Plot Twist (Hindrance)

                                          CORE | Optional Rules (Crisis) | x6

                                          You may deal this card to another player, or into the center area. It represents some hindrance that should appear later on. When that hindrance comes due, it poses a What If to the player who triggered it.

                                          • Someone ignored something important or failed to prepare
                                          • A predestined doom or dark prophecy
                                          • A surprise calamity or stroke of bad fortune
                                          Pose a What If relevant to this card. Discard if the What If is met.


                                          CORE | Character (Focus)

                                          "It doesn't matter if I win. It matters if I don't try." -- Emory

                                          Courage is strength in the face of grief, pain, and fear.

                                          Courage lets you fight when afraid, speak when being shouted down, stand up when you're injured, or rebuke someone you respect.

                                          • Honor or pride must be upheld
                                          • Someone or something near you has already suffered harm
                                          • Nobody else can or will take the risk
                                          Flip to get a Hit.


                                          CORE | Character (Focus)

                                          "Emory! Fall back! This isn't our fight!" -- Tana

                                          Courage can twist into cowardice or recklessness. Not everyone knows the right time to run from a battle, or when a battle really needs to be fought. And not everyone is prepared to fight every battle they face.

                                          • Boast of deeds undone or make promises you can't fulfill
                                          • Run away to avoid getting hurt, physically or emotionally
                                          • Seek glory or vengeance
                                          Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


                                          CORE | Character (Focus)

                                          "I only came here to see you!" -- Basler

                                          Charm is about creating a bond with someone at will. You can get through situations with style, panache, or force of personality.

                                          • Perform with grace and elegance
                                          • Get by on audacity
                                          • Gain someone's confidence
                                          Flip to get a Hit.


                                          CORE | Character (Focus)

                                          "Listen, city boy. Stop talking or I'll cut your tongue out." -- Woody

                                          Some people can become enraptured by their own ability to impress and influence. They buy into the story they're selling, until reality intrudes.

                                          Others see charm as deceit, and will trust you less.

                                          • Show off needlessly
                                          • Push things for the sake of pushing
                                          • Take advantage of someone's emotions
                                          Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


                                          CORE | Character (Focus)

                                          "My eye watches the target. My hand lets go the bowstring. I do nothing." -- Woody

                                          Your heart, your conscience, a divine command, or something else outweighs reason when you act.

                                          Instinct lets you act when everything says to hesitate, when uncertainty overwhelms you, or when speed counts more than reason.

                                          • Take decisive action now
                                          • Get an immediate read on a person or situation
                                          • Leap into an opportunity
                                          Flip to get a Hit.


                                          CORE | Character (Focus)

                                          "So, he was a king's guard in disguise. He looked like a bad guy!" -- Woody

                                          Only fools rush in, and this time, you were the fool.

                                          • Interrupt a plan mid-execution
                                          • Misjudge someone's intentions or actions
                                          • Screw something up by impulsively acting
                                          Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


                                          CORE | Character (Focus)

                                          "I don't know, I just felt ... something ... flow through me!" -- Tana

                                          The mystical, the eldritch, the arcane. The Power has many names. What do you call it?

                                          You can achieve a variety of supernatural outcomes with magic, such as healing, curses, enchantments, and more.

                                          • Place the impossible within reach
                                          • Mingle the material and the symbolic
                                          • Infuse the ordinary with awe and mystery
                                          Flip to get a Hit.


                                          CORE | Character (Focus)

                                          "The Power is much like the ocean. You can sail in it, or drown in it." -- Tana

                                          When called, the Power always comes. That doesn't mean you can always command it. Even familiar workings can have surprising consequences.

                                          • Face a cost you can't easily or immediately pay
                                          • Supply a rare material component or perform a ritual at specific place and time
                                          • Suffer a side effect or curse
                                          Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


                                          CORE | Character (Focus)

                                          "Basler, where did you get that knife from?" -- Tana

                                          You deal in concealment, stealth, and subterfuge. Your tools are things people don't want known, or weren't expecting. You could use hidden weapons, court gossip, cloak-and-dagger skulduggery, or the secrets of the heart.

                                          • Acquire something from someone else without their knowledge
                                          • Reveal something you've been concealing
                                          • Avoid detection or culpability
                                          Flip to get a Hit.


                                          CORE | Character (Focus)

                                          "You don't wanna know" -- Basler

                                          The problem with secrets is keeping track of who knows what. The value of a secret is lost once it's revealed. And some secrets weigh on the conscience.

                                          • Endure distrust from those around you
                                          • Reveal the wrong thing to the wrong person
                                          • Give yourself away at an inopportune moment
                                          Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


                                          CORE | Character (Focus)

                                          "This gizmo can pick any lock in the kingdom!" -- Basler

                                          You focus on science, technology, or artifice to get things done. This includes science like handguns or balloons, magitek such as crystal fire-rods, or alchemy such as healing potions.

                                          • Fight using advanced weapons or protective gear
                                          • Overcome obstacles by deploying a gadget
                                          • Gain advantage against those unfamiliar with your tech
                                          Flip to get a Hit.


                                          CORE | Character (Focus)

                                          "The gizmo broke and I gotta fix it. Well, at least I have my tools." -- Basler

                                          Nothing works perfectly, especially new inventions that have seen more use than testing.

                                          • The gadget has unexpected side effects or fails to work at a key moment
                                          • A gadget malfunctions or breaks in interesting ways
                                          • People distrust or avoid your strange science
                                          Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


                                          CORE | Character (Focus)

                                          "The mind directs the body's power. I get it now." -- Basler

                                          Through exercise, mindfulness, and practice, you've learned to use your own mind and body as a tool.

                                          Training lets you act with grace, power, and precision, or overcome mundane limits.

                                          • Use your body's abilities in place of weapons, armor, or equipment
                                          • Focus inner strength to resist torment or temptation
                                          • Gain an understanding of someone from how they move
                                          Flip to get a Hit.


                                          CORE | Character (Focus)

                                          "Well, I can't pick locks with my fingernails, can I?" -- Basler

                                          Your discipline is demanding, and while your body is versatile and powerful, it can't compete with everything.

                                          • Face a problem that requires tools after all
                                          • Spend time honing yourself instead of accomplishing an important goal
                                          • Reveal your abilities to someone you'd rather not see them
                                          Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


                                          CORE | Character (Focus)

                                          "The world is full of opportunities!" -- Basler

                                          Wits lets you make the most of everything around you. You turn difficulty into opportunity, find solutions within the problem you face, and look at situations in new ways.

                                          • Find a way to turn strength to or from weakness
                                          • Devise a plan to deal with a problem
                                          • Realize a useful truth about a situation
                                          Flip to get a Hit.


                                          CORE | Character (Focus)

                                          "When I said people were gullible, I didn't mean me too!" -- Basler

                                          No battle plan survives contact with the enemy, but not all planners are humble enough to realize that. Getting by on the world can sometimes mean exploiting people, or seeming like you're doing so.

                                          • Misjudge the strength of your position
                                          • Overplay your hand
                                          • Make someone else pay for your victory
                                          Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


                                          CORE | Character (Role)

                                          Tomorrow beckons, if you can fix today. You can't change the world alone. But you aren't, are you?

                                          • Remind someone of their best self
                                          • Light a candle to spite the darkness
                                          • Defy what's possible with what's necessary
                                          Flip to get a Hit.


                                          CORE | Character (Role)

                                          When the gulf between is and ought becomes too much, which will you choose?

                                          • Reject the real, denounce the realist
                                          • Forget that you have friends
                                          • Lose sight of your dream for a time
                                          Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


                                          CORE | Character (Role)

                                          You feel responsible for something or someone else. Their need propels you.

                                          • Keep your charge safe from something
                                          • Identify and monitor a threat
                                          • Endure the unimaginable
                                          Flip to get a Hit.


                                          CORE | Character (Role)

                                          You control that which depends on you, and sometimes the weight grows too much.

                                          • Assert your authority
                                          • Cast suspicion too widely
                                          • Shut down your feelings or shut out your charge
                                          Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


                                          CORE | Character (Role)

                                          Life is unpredictable. When an opening comes, seize it. When a chance comes, take it.

                                          • Exploit or create a weakness
                                          • Employ misdirection or deception
                                          • Take a risk nobody else would
                                          Flip to get a Hit.


                                          CORE | Character (Role)

                                          There's only so much good luck to go around. Will you run out of yours, or take someone else's away?

                                          • Kick someone when they're down
                                          • Betray a trust
                                          • Let someone else pay the price
                                          Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


                                          CORE | Character (Role)

                                          Through actions and words, you entertain, persuade, or transform people around you.

                                          • Embody grace, confidence, or poise
                                          • Inspire or incite people to act
                                          • Spark or manipulate emotion
                                          Flip to get a Hit.


                                          CORE | Character (Role)

                                          When anything you say matters, will you say the wrong thing, or for the wrong reasons?

                                          • Outshine or embarrass someone important
                                          • Draw unwanted attention
                                          • Provoke an unintended reaction
                                          Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


                                          CORE | Character (Role)

                                          A vow, an ideal, a promise, a vision, a mission. Something drives you unstoppably onward.

                                          • Make the hard choices your resolve demands
                                          • Rally others to your cause
                                          • Find a way forward despite everything
                                          Flip to get a Hit.


                                          CORE | Character (Role)

                                          That which is greater than you can also crush you beneath it.

                                          • Waver in your dedication to your quest
                                          • Shut others out of assisting you
                                          • Ignore mundane needs to focus on your quest
                                          Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


                                          CORE | Character (Role)

                                          Your power, presentation, reputation, or history cause common folk to fear or reject you.

                                          • Use others' fears to your advantage
                                          • Surpass a limit or break a rule imposed by others
                                          • Make common cause with other rebels
                                          Flip to get a Hit.


                                          CORE | Character (Role)

                                          To be the worst of what they say you are. How easy to do it accidentally. How tempting to choose it.

                                          • Make everything worse for yourself or an ally
                                          • Fall prey to temptation or darkness
                                          • Spark conflict or dissent
                                          Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


                                          CORE | Character (Role)

                                          Life is struggle. Everyone has to fight, all the time. What do you fight for?

                                          • Test your fate against an opponent
                                          • Make a sacrifice to turn the tide
                                          • Stand up when everything says to stay down
                                          Flip to get a Hit.


                                          CORE | Character (Role)

                                          Life is pain. There's no reward for this, only the next battle. When will you fall?

                                          • Lash out at an easy target
                                          • Use your power selfishly
                                          • Dismiss the peaceful alternative
                                          Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


                                          CORE | Character (Role)

                                          You create, fix, and remix.

                                          • Make something new out of what's available
                                          • Repair or recreate something
                                          • Bring creativity to bear against a problem
                                          Flip to get a Hit.


                                          CORE | Character (Role)

                                          What or who will you unmake, in your goal of making something new?

                                          • Tear down something valuable or important
                                          • Keep something going at great cost
                                          • Overuse the same solution
                                          Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


                                          CORE | Character (Upbringing)

                                          "The clear skies, the lure of the open road, it's perfect!" -- Tana

                                          You've lived among people from all over. Maybe you lived in a bustling city, or traveled the world.

                                          You've learned to approach situations by understanding many perspectives.

                                          • Recall a story that inspires people to new ways of thinking
                                          • Bring a fresh perspective to a situation
                                          • Unite people by finding the common threads between them
                                          Flip to get a Hit.


                                          CORE | Character (Upbringing)

                                          "Do these wagon wheels fall off often?" -- Emory

                                          You can mistake your breadth of experience for depth, and fail to hear wiser voices.

                                          • Overestimate your own wisdom or experience
                                          • Lose focus of people as individuals
                                          • Treat one person as representative of a whole group
                                          Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


                                          CORE | Character (Upbringing)

                                          "Take a deep breath of that farm air!" -- Tana

                                          You grew up among farmers, trappers, city laborers, or other folk who made their way by the sweat of their brow. Others expected you to carry your own weight.

                                          You've learned to approach situations with direct, hard work.

                                          • Be sensitive to the rhythms around you--cycles of nature, or people's routines
                                          • Make do with what's on hand
                                          • Coordinate with others to get hard work done
                                          Flip to get a Hit.


                                          CORE | Character (Upbringing)

                                          "Smells like cow breakfast" -- Basler

                                          Some situations demand inspiration, not perspiration. Other times, the reality of repetitive work can lull you into boredom, distraction, or despair.

                                          • Sacrifice tomorrow's hopes for today's needs
                                          • Demand someone else live up to your work ethic
                                          • Lose sight of something important
                                          Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


                                          CORE | Character (Upbringing)

                                          "This is all very different from the cloister" -- Emory

                                          You grew up secluded from the rest of the world. Whether you lived on a lonely mountain village, a religious retreat, or a city enclave, the ways of the outside world are a mystery that must now be solved.

                                          • Solve a problem using your peoples' ways
                                          • Ask naive but insightful questions
                                          • Reveal hidden knowledge or exclusive experience
                                          Flip to get a Hit.


                                          CORE | Character (Upbringing)

                                          "Everything's different out here. That's why it's called a cloister" -- Basler

                                          Your early life didn't prepare you for the variey of people and things the world has to offer. You might make a faux pas or ask an embarrassingly obvious question.

                                          • Violate unspoken rules or cultural taboos
                                          • Cause conflict through misunderstanding
                                          • Fall back on questionable assumptions
                                          Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


                                          CORE | Character (Upbringing)

                                          "Welcome to the Labri Market! You can find anything here." -- Basler

                                          You grew up among those who live via bargaining: a city's markets, an ocean trade route, or the corridors of power in an embassy or castle.

                                          You've learned to approach situations through negotiation.

                                          • Make a deal or haggle over details
                                          • Navigate a complex or ambiguous situation
                                          • Gauge someone's wants or needs
                                          Flip to get a Hit.


                                          CORE | Character (Upbringing)

                                          "...For the right price." -- Basler

                                          You know that some people have wants and needs, that others can satisfy them, and that power comes from mediating between the two.

                                          It's easy to get addicted to that power.

                                          • Compromise a principle or ideal for expedience
                                          • Put a price on service
                                          • Treat people as assets or commodities
                                          Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


                                          CORE | Character (Upbringing)

                                          "I got this, leave me alone" -- Woody

                                          For much of your life, you've been on your own. You might have been orphaned or abandoned or kidnapped. You might have run away from home, or home might no longer exist.

                                          You've learned to approach situations through isolation.

                                          • Shut out distractions
                                          • Present a reassuring facade
                                          • Keep moving even when hope is lost
                                          Flip to get a Hit.


                                          CORE | Character (Upbringing)

                                          "You've left yourself alone too long" -- Tana

                                          Without experiencing what other people in your life can do, you may fear what you need most from them: an outlet. When you act distant, others will reciprocate.

                                          • Accumulate emotional debt
                                          • Keep your reservations unspoken
                                          • Leave others behind to fend for themselves
                                          Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


                                          CORE | Character (Upbringing)

                                          "Knights should be glorious champions of honor!" -- Emory

                                          There's a right and wrong way to do things. Right? You might be from a noble family where things are done just so, or grew up cautious thanks to constant danger.

                                          You've learned to approach situations through protocol.

                                          • Uphold a code of behavior in the face of doubt or weakness
                                          • Use the training or skills that led to your code's adoption
                                          • Inspire or counsel others using your code
                                          Flip to get a Hit.


                                          CORE | Character (Upbringing)

                                          "As opposed to ironclad thugs lording it over the peasants?" -- Basler

                                          Committing to a way of life can help you push forward, but make you inflexible and stubborn.

                                          • Refuse to adapt your code to new or difficult situations
                                          • See the world through a narrow lens
                                          • Disdain or punish those who don't conform to your expectations
                                          Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


                                          CORE | Character (Upbringing)

                                          "Nobody fights for people like us. So we fight for ourselves." -- Basler

                                          You grew up among people who were neglected or rejected by a surrounding society: criminals, migrants, or members of a mistreated minority.

                                          You've learned to approach situations via pride.

                                          • Stand up for yourself and those like you
                                          • Rally the downtrodden
                                          • Obtain your needs through a social network
                                          Flip to get a Hit.


                                          CORE | Character (Upbringing)

                                          "When everyone hates you, it's hard not to hate them back." -- Basler

                                          Sometimes, circumstances push people to a breaking point. Other times, doing the right thing becomes impossible, and you're left with doing the necessary thing.

                                          • Lash out at threats to your ego
                                          • Build yourself up in the eyes of the impressionable
                                          • Run afoul of those in power
                                          Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


                                          CORE | Character (Upbringing)

                                          "As a princess, I had power. As a ranger, I have freedom." -- Woody

                                          Whether a scion of privilege, the free-spirited offspring of tolerant parents, or a feral child in a mystic forest, you've always done what you saw fit.

                                          You've learned to approach situations through force of will.

                                          • Force an issue or break a deadlock through action
                                          • Reject restrictions and break chains
                                          • Drag others along your unique path
                                          Flip to get a Hit.


                                          CORE | Character (Upbringing)

                                          "Those who go their own way often find the path lonely." -- Emory

                                          Rules aren't always made to be broken. You can offend others, or even hurt them or yourself when you go where you don't belong or do what you ought not do.

                                          • Sabotage a subtle effort
                                          • Trample on a cherished tradition
                                          • Disappoint or frustrate a more cautious ally
                                          Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


                                          CORE | Condition

                                          "Ow! Watch who you carve up with that thing!" -- Basler

                                          You've been bloodied, bruised, stunned, or suffered some other temporary physical harm. You can't exert yourself too much without making it worse.

                                          • An enemy attacked you
                                          • You took a long fall or ran into something heavy
                                          • You were in a natural disaster or magical calamity
                                          Flip to worsen the condition and get a Hit. Discard by spending a scene attending to the condition.


                                          CORE | Condition

                                          "It's...just a scratch..." -- Emory

                                          You've been seriously injured. Every step is painful, and it's hard to concentrate. You can't move very fast or fight effectively.

                                          Who or what holds you together until you can be treated? Will you have scars afterward?

                                          • You suffered major blood loss
                                          • You broke a bone
                                          • You were pierced by arrows, spears, or claws
                                          Discard by spending downtime attending to the condition.


                                          CORE | Condition

                                          "This forest goes on forever, Woody. Can we just stop a moment?" -- Tana

                                          Your body is trying to keep itself going, but is under attack or is being deprived. You can't push yourself too hard, and it's hard to concentrate.

                                          • Fatigue or sleep deprivation
                                          • Hunger and thirst
                                          • Poison, disease, or infection
                                          • Exposure to the elements
                                          Flip to worsen the condition and get a Hit. Discard by spending a scene attending to the condition.


                                          CORE | Condition

                                          "The leaf dragon's toxin got me... Sorry..." -- Woody

                                          Your body is out of resources. You need rest, sustenance, or medication.

                                          • Extended lack of sleep
                                          • Starvation or dehydration
                                          • Serious illness or poison
                                          • Delerium or hallucinations
                                          • Burns or frostbite
                                          Discard by spending downtime attending to the condition.


                                          CORE | Condition

                                          "We will deal with the brigands, your highness." -- Emory

                                          You have a responsibility and face punishment for failure or delay. Discharging the debt may be expensive, risky, or troublesome.

                                          • Deliver an item or message to someone
                                          • Lean on an individual or group
                                          • Promise a favor later for a purchase now
                                          • Swear a magically binding oath
                                          Flip to worsen the condition and get a Hit. Discard by spending a scene attending to the condition.


                                          CORE | Condition

                                          "I kinda told the thieves' guild I'd take care of something" -- Basler

                                          You have significant debts that demand repayment. Your creditor is watching, and their rivals may offer you a devil's bargain to escape.

                                          • Carry out illegal or dangerous activities
                                          • Work with a rival or enemy to achieve a goal
                                          • Sacrifice comrades or principles to avoid punishment
                                          Discard by spending downtime attending to the condition.


                                          CORE | Condition

                                          "I think they saw us." -- Tana

                                          Someone or something powerful or dangerous is seeking you out, and you'd rather not be found. You risk discovery from guards, spies, or informants.

                                          • You broke the law or offended someone important
                                          • Locals are suspicious
                                          • You attracted official attention
                                          • You're in a dangerous animal's territory
                                          Flip to worsen the condition and get a Hit. Discard by spending a scene attending to the condition.


                                          CORE | Condition

                                          "They definitely saw us!" -- Basler

                                          You are being actively hunted by someone or something that wishes you ill. You must stay hidden, disguise yourself when in the open, and perhaps make dangerous deals with those who offer shelter.

                                          • Wanted posters or official notices
                                          • Guards raised an alarm
                                          • You're in enemy territory or surrounded
                                          Discard by spending downtime attending to the condition.


                                          CORE | Condition

                                          "If anything in the forest looks edible, it's a faerie trap" -- Woody

                                          A spell or other supernatural power has bound you. It might cause inconvenience, impose new rules on you, or alter your perceptions.

                                          • Charms, illusions, delusions, and deceptions
                                          • Magical prohibitions against entering or leaving a place
                                          Flip to worsen the condition and get a Hit. Discard by spending a scene attending to the condition.


                                          CORE | Condition

                                          "That berry was delicious. Hey, who are all of you?" -- Emory

                                          A powerful and baneful magic has you in its grip. You might be forced to act in certain ways, or barred from acting in others.

                                          The rules of the curse may be a mystery. You may suffer pain or great misfortune violating them.

                                          • Misfortune or calamity hounds you
                                          • A ban against doing some common thing
                                          Discard by spending downtime attending to the condition.


                                          CORE | Condition

                                          "Don't let them peck you, or you'll croak with the voice of the Raven God" -- Woody

                                          Powerful magic has physically changed your appearance or abilities. You'll have trouble doing things you took for granted, but the new form may offer new advantages.

                                          • Animal traits like tails or claws
                                          • Limbs turned to stone or plants
                                          • Ethereal or elemental body
                                          Flip to worsen the condition and get a Hit. Discard by spending a scene attending to the condition.


                                          CORE | Condition

                                          "Hey, that raven looks familiar... Basler?!" -- Tana

                                          You've been physically remade into something new by powerful magic. You can still function, but it's a big adjustment. Other people may react with fear, curiosity, or hostility. You may be unable to speak or explain yourself to them.

                                          • Polymorphed into an animal
                                          • Changed into a supernatural creature
                                          • Made undead or demonic
                                          Discard by spending downtime attending to the condition.


                                          CORE | Condition

                                          "This is the last of our fresh water." -- Woody

                                          Vital gear has been damaged, or resources are running low. You must ration what remains, or improvise a replacement.

                                          • Blunted or broken weapons, low on arrows
                                          • Damaged or partial armor
                                          • Malfunctioning magical tools
                                          • Lacking food, water, or medicine
                                          Flip to worsen the condition and get a Hit. Discard by spending a scene attending to the condition.


                                          CORE | Condition

                                          "The flood washed away our campsite! Now what?" -- Basler

                                          Your gear or supplies have been broken, lost, or taken. You must scavenge for substitutes or make do with bare-bones replacements.

                                          • Equipment lost in floods or other calamity
                                          • Stripped of weapons by enemies
                                          • Magical tools disenchanted
                                          • Completely without rations or shelter
                                          Discard by spending downtime attending to the condition.


                                          CORE | Condition

                                          "This arm is useless for drawing a bow right now." -- Woody

                                          Your body, mind, or senses are in temporary disorder. You might have overtaxed yourself, or suffered from injury or stress. You may be in the grip of a powerful emotion or anxiety.

                                          • Loss of mobility
                                          • Blurred vision or dizziness
                                          • Shock or mental imbalance
                                          • Overwhelming emotion
                                          Flip to worsen the condition and get a Hit. Discard by spending a scene attending to the condition.


                                          CORE | Condition

                                          "I can't feel the grimoire! I can't feel ANY magic!" -- Tana

                                          A sense or faculty you normally depend on has been temporarily lost. You might have pushed yourself past a limit, or been affected by a disease or magical effect. You are unable to use the affected abilities.

                                          • Temporarily blind or deaf
                                          • Unable to cast spells or use other special abilities
                                          • A breakdown or dissociation
                                          Discard by spending downtime attending to the condition.


                                          CORE | Emotion Oracle

                                          Oracle cards can answer questions. Draw one card for a simple answer, or two cards for a complex one.

                                          Use these cards to answer what someone is feeling, or what emotion a thing or event would spark.

                                          Each emotion has two neighbors. You can use the emotion itself, or choose to mix it with a neighbor.

                                            Flip to reveal an answer


                                            CORE | Emotion Oracle

                                            Ecstacy, Joy, or Serenity.

                                            With Vigilance: yields Optimism.

                                            With Admiration: yields Love.

                                            • Who in the scene feels this emotion? Who ought to, but does not?
                                            • Should this emotion be affirmed, resisted, revealed, or concealed?
                                            Discard and shuffle into related cards


                                            CORE | Emotion Oracle

                                            Oracle cards can answer questions. Draw one card for a simple answer, or two cards for a complex one.

                                            Use these cards to answer what someone is feeling, or what emotion a thing or event would spark.

                                            Each emotion has two neighbors. You can use the emotion itself, or choose to mix it with a neighbor.

                                              Flip to reveal an answer


                                              CORE | Emotion Oracle

                                              Admiration, Trust, or Acceptance.

                                              With Ecstacy: yields Love.

                                              With Terror: yields Submission.

                                              • Who in the scene feels this emotion? Who ought to, but does not?
                                              • Should this emotion be affirmed, resisted, revealed, or concealed?
                                              Discard and shuffle into related cards


                                              CORE | Emotion Oracle

                                              Oracle cards can answer questions. Draw one card for a simple answer, or two cards for a complex one.

                                              Use these cards to answer what someone is feeling, or what emotion a thing or event would spark.

                                              Each emotion has two neighbors. You can use the emotion itself, or choose to mix it with a neighbor.

                                                Flip to reveal an answer


                                                CORE | Emotion Oracle

                                                Terror, Fear, or Apprehension.

                                                With Admiration: yields Submission.

                                                With Amazement: yields Awe.

                                                • Who in the scene feels this emotion? Who ought to, but does not?
                                                • Should this emotion be affirmed, resisted, revealed, or concealed?
                                                Discard and shuffle into related cards


                                                CORE | Emotion Oracle

                                                Oracle cards can answer questions. Draw one card for a simple answer, or two cards for a complex one.

                                                Use these cards to answer what someone is feeling, or what emotion a thing or event would spark.

                                                Each emotion has two neighbors. You can use the emotion itself, or choose to mix it with a neighbor.

                                                  Flip to reveal an answer


                                                  CORE | Emotion Oracle

                                                  Amazement, Surprise, or Distraction.

                                                  With Terror: yields Awe.

                                                  With Grief: yields Disapproval.

                                                  • Who in the scene feels this emotion? Who ought to, but does not?
                                                  • Should this emotion be affirmed, resisted, revealed, or concealed?
                                                  Discard and shuffle into related cards


                                                  CORE | Emotion Oracle

                                                  Oracle cards can answer questions. Draw one card for a simple answer, or two cards for a complex one.

                                                  Use these cards to answer what someone is feeling, or what emotion a thing or event would spark.

                                                  Each emotion has two neighbors. You can use the emotion itself, or choose to mix it with a neighbor.

                                                    Flip to reveal an answer


                                                    CORE | Emotion Oracle

                                                    Grief, Sadness, or Pensiveness.

                                                    With Amazement: yields Disapproval.

                                                    With Loathing: yields Remorse.

                                                    • Who in the scene feels this emotion? Who ought to, but does not?
                                                    • Should this emotion be affirmed, resisted, revealed, or concealed?
                                                    Discard and shuffle into related cards


                                                    CORE | Emotion Oracle

                                                    Oracle cards can answer questions. Draw one card for a simple answer, or two cards for a complex one.

                                                    Use these cards to answer what someone is feeling, or what emotion a thing or event would spark.

                                                    Each emotion has two neighbors. You can use the emotion itself, or choose to mix it with a neighbor.

                                                      Flip to reveal an answer


                                                      CORE | Emotion Oracle

                                                      Loathing, Disgust, or Boredom.

                                                      With Grief: yields Remorse.

                                                      With Rage: yields Contempt.

                                                      • Who in the scene feels this emotion? Who ought to, but does not?
                                                      • Should this emotion be affirmed, resisted, revealed, or concealed?
                                                      Discard and shuffle into related cards


                                                      CORE | Emotion Oracle

                                                      Oracle cards can answer questions. Draw one card for a simple answer, or two cards for a complex one.

                                                      Use these cards to answer what someone is feeling, or what emotion a thing or event would spark.

                                                      Each emotion has two neighbors. You can use the emotion itself, or choose to mix it with a neighbor.

                                                        Flip to reveal an answer


                                                        CORE | Emotion Oracle

                                                        Rage, Anger, or Annoyance.

                                                        With Loathing: yields Contempt.

                                                        With Vigilance: yields Aggressiveness.

                                                        • Who in the scene feels this emotion? Who ought to, but does not?
                                                        • Should this emotion be affirmed, resisted, revealed, or concealed?
                                                        Discard and shuffle into related cards


                                                        CORE | Emotion Oracle

                                                        Oracle cards can answer questions. Draw one card for a simple answer, or two cards for a complex one.

                                                        Use these cards to answer what someone is feeling, or what emotion a thing or event would spark.

                                                        Each emotion has two neighbors. You can use the emotion itself, or choose to mix it with a neighbor.

                                                          Flip to reveal an answer


                                                          CORE | Emotion Oracle

                                                          Vigilance, Anticipation, or Interest.

                                                          With Rage: yields Aggressiveness.

                                                          With Ecstacy: yields Optimism.

                                                          • Who in the scene feels this emotion? Who ought to, but does not?
                                                          • Should this emotion be affirmed, resisted, revealed, or concealed?
                                                          Discard and shuffle into related cards

                                                          Random Outcome

                                                          CORE | Success Oracle | x6

                                                          You can choose to draw a card of this type to see if you pass a What If.

                                                          The card will suggest ways in which the What If was satisfied. You can use one of these, or make up your own. If a card indicates that you missed, you may not try to pass the What If in other ways.

                                                          You may adjust the ratio of hit or miss cards in this stack to reflect the difficulty of a given action.

                                                            Draw a random card from this stack, flip to see the outcome


                                                            CORE | Success Oracle | x6

                                                            You successfully met the challenge! Narrate how it happened.

                                                            • Luck or coincidence made it work somehow
                                                            • You were carrying the right item at the right moment
                                                            • Allies intervened in your favor
                                                            • An important lesson from your past came to mind
                                                            Discard to get a Hit

                                                            Random Outcome

                                                            CORE | Success Oracle | x6

                                                            You can choose to draw a card of this type to see if you pass a What If.

                                                            The card will suggest ways in which the What If was satisfied. You can use one of these, or make up your own. If a card indicates that you missed, you may not try to pass the What If in other ways.

                                                            You may adjust the ratio of hit or miss cards in this stack to reflect the difficulty of a given action.

                                                              Draw a random card from this stack, flip to see the outcome


                                                              CORE | Success Oracle | x6

                                                              You failed to meet the challenge! Narrate how it happened.

                                                              • Bad luck or unhappy coincidence
                                                              • Your equipment failed or you left something behind
                                                              • Allies were thwarted, absent, or ineffective
                                                              • Overconfidence sabotaged your success
                                                              Discard this card