
CORE | Character (Focus)

"It doesn't matter if I win. It matters if I don't try." -- Emory

Courage is strength in the face of grief, pain, and fear.

Courage lets you fight when afraid, speak when being shouted down, stand up when you're injured, or rebuke someone you respect.

  • Honor or pride must be upheld
  • Someone or something near you has already suffered harm
  • Nobody else can or will take the risk
Flip to get a Hit.


CORE | Character (Focus)

"Emory! Fall back! This isn't our fight!" -- Tana

Courage can twist into cowardice or recklessness. Not everyone knows the right time to run from a battle, or when a battle really needs to be fought. And not everyone is prepared to fight every battle they face.

  • Boast of deeds undone or make promises you can't fulfill
  • Run away to avoid getting hurt, physically or emotionally
  • Seek glory or vengeance
Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


CORE | Character (Focus)

"I only came here to see you!" -- Basler

Charm is about creating a bond with someone at will. You can get through situations with style, panache, or force of personality.

  • Perform with grace and elegance
  • Get by on audacity
  • Gain someone's confidence
Flip to get a Hit.


CORE | Character (Focus)

"Listen, city boy. Stop talking or I'll cut your tongue out." -- Woody

Some people can become enraptured by their own ability to impress and influence. They buy into the story they're selling, until reality intrudes.

Others see charm as deceit, and will trust you less.

  • Show off needlessly
  • Push things for the sake of pushing
  • Take advantage of someone's emotions
Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


CORE | Character (Focus)

"My eye watches the target. My hand lets go the bowstring. I do nothing." -- Woody

Your heart, your conscience, a divine command, or something else outweighs reason when you act.

Instinct lets you act when everything says to hesitate, when uncertainty overwhelms you, or when speed counts more than reason.

  • Take decisive action now
  • Get an immediate read on a person or situation
  • Leap into an opportunity
Flip to get a Hit.


CORE | Character (Focus)

"So, he was a king's guard in disguise. He looked like a bad guy!" -- Woody

Only fools rush in, and this time, you were the fool.

  • Interrupt a plan mid-execution
  • Misjudge someone's intentions or actions
  • Screw something up by impulsively acting
Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


CORE | Character (Focus)

"I don't know, I just felt ... something ... flow through me!" -- Tana

The mystical, the eldritch, the arcane. The Power has many names. What do you call it?

You can achieve a variety of supernatural outcomes with magic, such as healing, curses, enchantments, and more.

  • Place the impossible within reach
  • Mingle the material and the symbolic
  • Infuse the ordinary with awe and mystery
Flip to get a Hit.


CORE | Character (Focus)

"The Power is much like the ocean. You can sail in it, or drown in it." -- Tana

When called, the Power always comes. That doesn't mean you can always command it. Even familiar workings can have surprising consequences.

  • Face a cost you can't easily or immediately pay
  • Supply a rare material component or perform a ritual at specific place and time
  • Suffer a side effect or curse
Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


CORE | Character (Focus)

"Basler, where did you get that knife from?" -- Tana

You deal in concealment, stealth, and subterfuge. Your tools are things people don't want known, or weren't expecting. You could use hidden weapons, court gossip, cloak-and-dagger skulduggery, or the secrets of the heart.

  • Acquire something from someone else without their knowledge
  • Reveal something you've been concealing
  • Avoid detection or culpability
Flip to get a Hit.


CORE | Character (Focus)

"You don't wanna know" -- Basler

The problem with secrets is keeping track of who knows what. The value of a secret is lost once it's revealed. And some secrets weigh on the conscience.

  • Endure distrust from those around you
  • Reveal the wrong thing to the wrong person
  • Give yourself away at an inopportune moment
Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


CORE | Character (Focus)

"This gizmo can pick any lock in the kingdom!" -- Basler

You focus on science, technology, or artifice to get things done. This includes science like handguns or balloons, magitek such as crystal fire-rods, or alchemy such as healing potions.

  • Fight using advanced weapons or protective gear
  • Overcome obstacles by deploying a gadget
  • Gain advantage against those unfamiliar with your tech
Flip to get a Hit.


CORE | Character (Focus)

"The gizmo broke and I gotta fix it. Well, at least I have my tools." -- Basler

Nothing works perfectly, especially new inventions that have seen more use than testing.

  • The gadget has unexpected side effects or fails to work at a key moment
  • A gadget malfunctions or breaks in interesting ways
  • People distrust or avoid your strange science
Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


CORE | Character (Focus)

"The mind directs the body's power. I get it now." -- Basler

Through exercise, mindfulness, and practice, you've learned to use your own mind and body as a tool.

Training lets you act with grace, power, and precision, or overcome mundane limits.

  • Use your body's abilities in place of weapons, armor, or equipment
  • Focus inner strength to resist torment or temptation
  • Gain an understanding of someone from how they move
Flip to get a Hit.


CORE | Character (Focus)

"Well, I can't pick locks with my fingernails, can I?" -- Basler

Your discipline is demanding, and while your body is versatile and powerful, it can't compete with everything.

  • Face a problem that requires tools after all
  • Spend time honing yourself instead of accomplishing an important goal
  • Reveal your abilities to someone you'd rather not see them
Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


CORE | Character (Focus)

"The world is full of opportunities!" -- Basler

Wits lets you make the most of everything around you. You turn difficulty into opportunity, find solutions within the problem you face, and look at situations in new ways.

  • Find a way to turn strength to or from weakness
  • Devise a plan to deal with a problem
  • Realize a useful truth about a situation
Flip to get a Hit.


CORE | Character (Focus)

"When I said people were gullible, I didn't mean me too!" -- Basler

No battle plan survives contact with the enemy, but not all planners are humble enough to realize that. Getting by on the world can sometimes mean exploiting people, or seeming like you're doing so.

  • Misjudge the strength of your position
  • Overplay your hand
  • Make someone else pay for your victory
Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.

Character (Focus)

Focus cards tell us how your character gets things done in a story. A character like Han Solo has "Charm" as a focus, while Princess Leia has "Courage" and Luke Skywalker has "Instinct".

The flip side of a focus is how its use can go wrong for a character. Courage can become recklessness. Technology can fail. Magic can exact a price. And so on.