The Activist

CITY | City (Personality)

The Activist longs for change and represents those who feel likewise. They may use rhetoric, influence-peddling, money, or direct action to achieve their aims. Whatever their goal, it now seems to be in reach.

  • What are the Activist's goals?
  • Who do they represent? Who do they oppose?
  • How far will they go? Have they gone?
Flip to see the vulnerable version of this personality

The Activist

CITY | City (Personality)

The Activist longs for change and represents those who feel likewise. They may use rhetoric, influence-peddling, money, or direct action to achieve their aims. Although driven, they are unsuccessful and desperate.

  • What are the Activist's goals?
  • Who do they represent? Who do they oppose?
  • How far will they go? Have they gone?
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The Factotum

CITY | City (Personality)

The Factotum is not a leader, but serves those who lead. They handle the complexities of day-to-day business. They hold the keys to the doors of power, and may unlock them for the right querent.

  • Who do they serve? Why?
  • Between the Factotum and their leader, who really rules?
  • What does the Factotum personally want?
Flip to see the vulnerable version of this personality

The Factotum

CITY | City (Personality)

The Factotum is not a leader, but serves those who lead. They struggle with complexities of day-to-day business. Their inexperience, their patron's incompetence, or a heavy workload all weigh them down.

  • Who do they serve? Why?
  • Does the Factotum burden their leader, or vice versa?
  • What does the Factotum personally want?
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The Hardliner

CITY | City (Personality)

The Hardliner defends and justifies the status quo. They resist change, whether from hard experience, stubbornness, or selfishness. They are likely to prevail against uncoordinated efforts at reform.

  • What motivates the Hardliner to hold their position?
  • How sincere are their stated objections to change?
  • How have their beliefs changed over time?
Flip to see the vulnerable version of this personality

The Hardliner

CITY | City (Personality)

The Hardliner defends and justifies the status quo. They resist change, whether from hard experience, stubbornness, or selfishness. When reform looks likely, they grow desperate to hold onto their diminishing status.

  • What motivates the Hardliner to hold their position?
  • How sincere are their stated objections to change?
  • How have their beliefs changed over time?
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The Mediator

CITY | City (Personality)

The Mediator tries to negotiate between competing factions or ideologies. Doing so depends on good relations within each group. They achieve meaningful change when possible, and balance the compromises such change demands.

  • How does the Mediator achieve their ends?
  • What sacrifices must they make?
  • What is their real goal?
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The Mediator

CITY | City (Personality)

The Mediator tries to negotiate between competing factions or ideologies. Doing so depends on good relations within each group. Those relations may be threatened, the groups may refuse to budge, or the Mediator has settled for a facade of peace rather than progress.

  • How does the Mediator achieve their ends?
  • What sacrifices must they make?
  • What is their real goal?
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The Newcomer

CITY | City (Personality)

The Newcomer is unfamiliar with the city and their place in it. They may be a new ruler, an important visitor, or the heir to a fortune or legacy they've returned to inherit. For now, those around them are helping them adjust.

  • What makes the Newcomer significant?
  • What makes them stand out from how the city usually does things?
  • Who has their ear? Who seeks it?
Flip to see the vulnerable version of this personality

The Newcomer

CITY | City (Personality)

The Newcomer is unfamiliar with the city and their place in it. They may be a new ruler, an important visitor, or the heir to a fortune or legacy they've returned to inherit. Alas, those around them do not have their best interests at heart.

  • What makes the Newcomer significant?
  • What makes them stand out from how the city usually does things?
  • Who has their ear? Who seeks it?
Flip to see the dominant version of this personality

The Plotter

CITY | City (Personality)

The Plotter wishes to exploit conditions for some private goal. They might be corrupt officials, influence-peddlers, or blackmailers. Whether their goals are selfish or selfless, they seem likely to succeed.

  • What personal holds or secrets enable the Plotter's schemes?
  • Who works with them? Why?
  • What is their ultimate goal - profit, progress, or something else?
Flip to see the vulnerable version of this personality

The Plotter

CITY | City (Personality)

The Plotter wishes to exploit conditions for some private goal. They might be corrupt officials, influence-peddlers, or blackmailers. They are hunted, on the verge of exposure, or compromised themselves.

  • What personal holds or secrets enable the Plotter's schemes?
  • Who works with them? Why?
  • What is their ultimate goal - profit, progress, or something else?
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The Scion

CITY | City (Personality)

The Scion is the beneficiary of long city tradition. They may come from noble stock or long-hoarded wealth, hold an old and honored name, or hold significant land or relics. They seem well-liked and happy in their position.

  • What is the Scion's place in the city and its history?
  • What secrets does their legacy hold?
  • How have they used their position?
Flip to see the vulnerable version of this personality

The Scion

CITY | City (Personality)

The Scion is the beneficiary of long city tradition. The may come from once-honored aristocratic stock, inherit ill-gotten gains, or live in the shadow of whispered accusations and dark secrets about their bloodline.

  • What is the Scion's place in the city and its history?
  • What secrets does their legacy hold?
  • How have they used their position?
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The Turncoat

CITY | City (Personality)

The Turncoat betrayed someone or something else, and that betrayal will always hang over their head. They have secured a place for themselves, but those who know may still remember, and watch.

  • Who or what did they betray? On their own, or at the behest of others?
  • Was it for the best? Did they think it was for the best?
  • Do those betrayed still interact with the Turncoat?
Flip to see the vulnerable version of this personality

The Turncoat

CITY | City (Personality)

The Turncoat betrayed someone or something else, and that betrayal will always hang over their head. They now suffer for their transgression, however right or wrong it was, and scheme or hope for a return to power.

  • Who or what did they betray? On their own, or at the behest of others?
  • Was it for the best? Did they think it was for the best?
  • Do those betrayed still interact with the Turncoat?
Flip to see the dominant version of this personality

City (Personality)

A Personality is the face for a neighborhood or a social dynamic between neighborhoods. Personalities can be individuals, or perhaps small groups of like-minded individuals.