
ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"My daggers bounced off that plate mail! What now?" -- Basler

This encounter includes something important that is heavily defended. This could mean body armor of leather or metal, hardened barriers of stone, or wood, a protective aura of magic, a divine blessing, and more.

  • Ignore harm from inadequate attacks
  • Destroy weaker things that strike it or are struck by it
  • Stand in defense of allies
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"You know what metal does? Heats up. Fireball!" -- Tana

Every armor has a weakness or comes at a cost, like making someone slower or something heavier. Not every armor's weakness is obvious, and finding it may be difficult.

  • Those protected have limited mobility and senses
  • Weakness to specific damage types, e.g. lightning
  • Useless if penetrated or lost
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"That's a big castle..." -- Basler

A Base can be a temporary encampment, an outpost, a secret headquarters, a wild animal's den, or some other protected space. You might need to find something specific, get in or out, or confront the occupants.

  • Bases can have numerous occupants
  • Traps, labyrinthine structure, or other clever preparations
  • Ways to cut off escape routes or confine interlopers
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"The tyrant king doesn't know about these secret tunnels" -- Emory

While Bases can be big and imposing, their nature can work against their occupants. The bigger the Base, the more likely it is to hold something helpful.

  • Contain secrets about the plans and activities of its occupants
  • Hold resources, weapons, or captives
  • Include defensible choke points or hiding spots
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"Back, foul fiend! Light will overcome you!" -- Emory

A Diabolical encounter has the touch of evil. An actual summoned demon, a possessed victim, or a dark and malevolent force are all Diabolic.

  • Seek to corrupt or influence the vulnerable
  • Exploit moral weaknesses or dark secrets
  • Expose its true nature and hellish powers
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"Basler, stop cringing. He's not talking about you." -- Woody

Evil hasn't won, though it keeps trying. Powers from beyond are bound by their own rules too, and can be defeated accordingly.

Characters who arm themselves with occult lore or divine blessings may circumvent or neutralize a Diabolical power.

  • Be susceptible to folk incantations or rituals
  • Recoil from the pure of heart
  • Flee to fight another day
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"Earth sprites. They have the ore we seek." -- Tana

Powerful forces of nature such as volcanoes, storms, as well as elemental entities.

  • Create, animate, or manipulate its element in useful or dangerous ways
  • Change the environment with aspects of its element, such as making rivers of fire or barriers of wind
  • Counteract an opposing element, such as fire vs. water
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"They had some nice gemstones too!" -- Basler

Each element has rules. Water flows. Fire burns, but not without fuel. Some elements can counteract others. These rules can be exploited.

  • Be vulnerable to their element's normal vulnerabilities or rules
  • Require a nearby source of the element
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"Did something just swoop overhead?" -- Emory

This encounter includes something flying or airborne. Winged creatures, skilled magicians, and floating platforms can ignore earthbound attackers and require effort to reach.

  • Strike targets on the ground without risking counterattacks
  • Move faster than those trapped on the ground, or reach places they can't
  • See greater distances
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"Meet my best girl, Annette! A net, get it?" -- Basler

Wings require energy to sustain flight and can be fragile. Magical flight can be counter-spelled. Turbulent air or nets can force flyers down.

  • Become entangled, trapped, or confined in ways that negate flight
  • Be unable to lift heavy loads or fly under difficult conditions
  • Suffer harm if they fall
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"They outnumber us 5 to 1, folks!" -- Basler

A group of beings bound together in common purpose. Gangs can be organized, like criminal gangs or military units, or informal groups like angry mobs or animal packs.

  • Surround or isolate individuals through strength in numbers
  • Shout down or bully a lone voice
  • Bring a variety of skills or resources to bear on a problem
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"Sounds like fair odds to me. Have at you!" -- Emory

The strength of a gang is in its numbers. Without a strong leader, the gang obeys its collective impulses. Individual members can be isolated and confronted.

  • Have competing impulses or mixed sympathies or agendas
  • Fall apart if a leader is weakened or shamed
  • Follow a new leader or impulse that better matches its agenda
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"A Gryphon. The heraldic symbol of my kingdom. Majestic!" -- Emory

A Hybrid being is made up of two or more things, not always living. Such beings can be part-human (mermaids, harpies), mixed animal (cockatrices, pegasi), shapeshifters (werewolves), or weirder (tree-ogres).

  • Use the best of their combined abilities
  • Use different abilities together in some unique way
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"That thing was terrifying! Your kingdom is messed up!" -- Basler

Not every hybrid has a perfect command of its own nature. Hybrids must also obey the rules of all their component parts.

  • Suffer the vulnerabilities of any of their contributing parts
  • Become confused by conflicting impulses or instincts
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"The bigger they are, the harder they fall!" -- Tana

This encounter includes something of enormous size. It might be naturally large, like a dragon or a giant, or have been enlarged by magic or other forces.

  • Resist human-scale attacks or effects
  • Reach or hit an entire area at once
  • Deal devastating damage to smaller creatures and objects
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"Just as long as it doesn't fall on us." -- Basler

You may have trouble engaging with a Large encounter due to the size difference, but that trouble goes both ways. It can be hard for Large things to perceive or target smaller foes.

  • Lose track of small details or targets
  • Be easily targeted due to its size
  • Move slowly or clumsily
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"That ain't no ordinary wolf, folks.." -- Basler

Monstrous threats are altered forms of the familiar. They are fiercer, more feral, or disturbingly unnatural, the nightmarishly distorted vision of the original.

  • Lash out viciously
  • Use their adaptions to overwhelm the unprepared
  • Terrify onlookers with their awful nature
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"Whoever corrupted this creature will pay. Let's find them." -- Woody

A Monstrous threat is powered by its rage or aggression, but often lack a sense of self-preservation, fighting relentlessly when others would retreat.

  • Lose themselves in their own ferocity
  • Fall into traps when goaded
  • Misunderstand those not driven by similar instincts
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"That's Gretamaw, the Beaked Butcher!" -- Basler

A monster whispered of by fearful villagers. A lonely place of power. An artifact of legend, replete with arcane power. A person sung of by the bards. The weight of its reputation or its followers may be as much of a danger as its own power.

  • Dominate with their presence
  • Live up to the legend in a big way
  • Reveal an unexpected ability
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"Save the beak. We need it to claim the reward!" -- Basler

The stories about this encounter might give you clues on how to deal with it. But stories are just that, stories. You might correctly leverage its lore, or look at it with fresh eyes and discover a truth the bards omitted.

  • Behave or react predictably
  • Be less, or other, than the stories say
  • Be part of another unguessed story
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"Where are all those crows going?" -- Tana

This encounter foreshadows something important. It can be a mystical experience, laden with dreams and prophecy, or just a mundane glimpse into a momentous reality beyond.

  • Give a taste of things to come
  • Force people into hard moral or personal choices
  • Subtly mingle the mundane and the symbolic or dreamlike
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"They're going the same way we are. Come on." -- Woody

The Portentous is the first step on a larger road. It both surprises characters, and prepares them for what is next. If the future cannot be changed, it can be met with eyes open. And you will only know if fate can be defied by trying.

  • Reveal an important clue or suggest a strategy
  • Unlock a hidden strength or personal conviction
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"My arrows go right through it." -- Woody

This encounter includes something ghostly or purely spiritual. Spectral entities might have obligations or passions binding them to the mortal world. They may be frightened, angry, or confused. They might wish to go - or to stay.

  • Bypass solid obstacles
  • Wield morbid magics like chilling touch or possession
  • Ravenously pursue something the living have that it wants
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"I'll have a magic circle up in a moment!" -- Tana

Spectral beings are only visitors in the waking world. Their anchors are tenuous, and they may leave if given what they want or be forced out by those who know how.

  • Be weakened or repulsed by warding rituals
  • Fall prey to their passions
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"Deep breaths. Stay calm. Show them we're friends." -- Tana

The encounter includes a highly charged situation. One or more parties might be on edge, ready for confrontation with another. Can you navigate it without making everything worse?

  • Lash out with ill-considered action
  • Make bad assessments or assume the worst
  • Heedlessly run away, often making things worse
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"You mean the real villain all this time was...?!" -- Emory

If you discover the reason for a Tense situation, you can find a ways to defuse it. You can talk others down if you aren't caught up in the situation yourself.

  • Overcome mistrust through negotiation
  • Reveal facts that counter false assumptions
  • Make compromises and sacrifices in the name of peace
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"Don't let it touch you! Your skin will rot away!" -- Woody

Venomous creatures, assassins with poisoned blades, swamp gasses, and many other things can afflict you with sickness. Poisons can be fast acting and deadly, or gradually debilitating.

  • Sicken anyone in contact with them
  • Fend off an attack with the threat of toxin
  • Spread the toxin to others
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"My arrows can fly farther than its spit." -- Woody

Some toxins have antidotes, or may not penetrate some kinds of defense. For example, a snake's fangs might be deflected by armor.

  • Inadvertently harm allies, or themselves if they are not immune
  • Be unable to deliver its poison if you find adequate protection
  • Fail to harm something or someone with a natural or acquired immunity
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"This unholy abomination will fall!" -- Emory

Necromancy, curses, or strange phenomena can bring a deceased creature back to a false life. The being is sustained by magic, not biology. Some undead are mindless; others are disturbingly cunning.

  • Ignore the frailties of mortal existence
  • Frighten onlookers with a reminder of mortality
  • Employ dread powers
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"Not so much fell as fell apart..." -- Basler

Being sustained by dark magic, the undead are equally vulnerable to it. Many cannot abide holy objects, places, or effects. Others are bound by orders to only guard a certain place, or do a certain thing.

  • Weaken or expire in the presence of the sacred or the pure
  • Fall prey to tricks or traps a thinking being could avoid
  • Have limitations its creator didn't anticipate
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An Encounter card describes the qualities of a creature or situation the players must confront.