
CORE | Character (Upbringing)

"The clear skies, the lure of the open road, it's perfect!" -- Tana

You've lived among people from all over. Maybe you lived in a bustling city, or traveled the world.

You've learned to approach situations by understanding many perspectives.

  • Recall a story that inspires people to new ways of thinking
  • Bring a fresh perspective to a situation
  • Unite people by finding the common threads between them
Flip to get a Hit.


CORE | Character (Upbringing)

"Do these wagon wheels fall off often?" -- Emory

You can mistake your breadth of experience for depth, and fail to hear wiser voices.

  • Overestimate your own wisdom or experience
  • Lose focus of people as individuals
  • Treat one person as representative of a whole group
Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


CORE | Character (Upbringing)

"Take a deep breath of that farm air!" -- Tana

You grew up among farmers, trappers, city laborers, or other folk who made their way by the sweat of their brow. Others expected you to carry your own weight.

You've learned to approach situations with direct, hard work.

  • Be sensitive to the rhythms around you--cycles of nature, or people's routines
  • Make do with what's on hand
  • Coordinate with others to get hard work done
Flip to get a Hit.


CORE | Character (Upbringing)

"Smells like cow breakfast" -- Basler

Some situations demand inspiration, not perspiration. Other times, the reality of repetitive work can lull you into boredom, distraction, or despair.

  • Sacrifice tomorrow's hopes for today's needs
  • Demand someone else live up to your work ethic
  • Lose sight of something important
Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


CORE | Character (Upbringing)

"This is all very different from the cloister" -- Emory

You grew up secluded from the rest of the world. Whether you lived on a lonely mountain village, a religious retreat, or a city enclave, the ways of the outside world are a mystery that must now be solved.

  • Solve a problem using your peoples' ways
  • Ask naive but insightful questions
  • Reveal hidden knowledge or exclusive experience
Flip to get a Hit.


CORE | Character (Upbringing)

"Everything's different out here. That's why it's called a cloister" -- Basler

Your early life didn't prepare you for the variey of people and things the world has to offer. You might make a faux pas or ask an embarrassingly obvious question.

  • Violate unspoken rules or cultural taboos
  • Cause conflict through misunderstanding
  • Fall back on questionable assumptions
Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


CORE | Character (Upbringing)

"Welcome to the Labri Market! You can find anything here." -- Basler

You grew up among those who live via bargaining: a city's markets, an ocean trade route, or the corridors of power in an embassy or castle.

You've learned to approach situations through negotiation.

  • Make a deal or haggle over details
  • Navigate a complex or ambiguous situation
  • Gauge someone's wants or needs
Flip to get a Hit.


CORE | Character (Upbringing)

"...For the right price." -- Basler

You know that some people have wants and needs, that others can satisfy them, and that power comes from mediating between the two.

It's easy to get addicted to that power.

  • Compromise a principle or ideal for expedience
  • Put a price on service
  • Treat people as assets or commodities
Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


CORE | Character (Upbringing)

"I got this, leave me alone" -- Woody

For much of your life, you've been on your own. You might have been orphaned or abandoned or kidnapped. You might have run away from home, or home might no longer exist.

You've learned to approach situations through isolation.

  • Shut out distractions
  • Present a reassuring facade
  • Keep moving even when hope is lost
Flip to get a Hit.


CORE | Character (Upbringing)

"You've left yourself alone too long" -- Tana

Without experiencing what other people in your life can do, you may fear what you need most from them: an outlet. When you act distant, others will reciprocate.

  • Accumulate emotional debt
  • Keep your reservations unspoken
  • Leave others behind to fend for themselves
Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


CORE | Character (Upbringing)

"Knights should be glorious champions of honor!" -- Emory

There's a right and wrong way to do things. Right? You might be from a noble family where things are done just so, or grew up cautious thanks to constant danger.

You've learned to approach situations through protocol.

  • Uphold a code of behavior in the face of doubt or weakness
  • Use the training or skills that led to your code's adoption
  • Inspire or counsel others using your code
Flip to get a Hit.


CORE | Character (Upbringing)

"As opposed to ironclad thugs lording it over the peasants?" -- Basler

Committing to a way of life can help you push forward, but make you inflexible and stubborn.

  • Refuse to adapt your code to new or difficult situations
  • See the world through a narrow lens
  • Disdain or punish those who don't conform to your expectations
Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


CORE | Character (Upbringing)

"Nobody fights for people like us. So we fight for ourselves." -- Basler

You grew up among people who were neglected or rejected by a surrounding society: criminals, migrants, or members of a mistreated minority.

You've learned to approach situations via pride.

  • Stand up for yourself and those like you
  • Rally the downtrodden
  • Obtain your needs through a social network
Flip to get a Hit.


CORE | Character (Upbringing)

"When everyone hates you, it's hard not to hate them back." -- Basler

Sometimes, circumstances push people to a breaking point. Other times, doing the right thing becomes impossible, and you're left with doing the necessary thing.

  • Lash out at threats to your ego
  • Build yourself up in the eyes of the impressionable
  • Run afoul of those in power
Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.


CORE | Character (Upbringing)

"As a princess, I had power. As a ranger, I have freedom." -- Woody

Whether a scion of privilege, the free-spirited offspring of tolerant parents, or a feral child in a mystic forest, you've always done what you saw fit.

You've learned to approach situations through force of will.

  • Force an issue or break a deadlock through action
  • Reject restrictions and break chains
  • Drag others along your unique path
Flip to get a Hit.


CORE | Character (Upbringing)

"Those who go their own way often find the path lonely." -- Emory

Rules aren't always made to be broken. You can offend others, or even hurt them or yourself when you go where you don't belong or do what you ought not do.

  • Sabotage a subtle effort
  • Trample on a cherished tradition
  • Disappoint or frustrate a more cautious ally
Flip when a prompt is narrated by anyone.

Character (Upbringing)

Upbringing cards talk about a character's backstory, but don't stop there. They describe how characters have learned to interact with other people, and how they see the world.

The flip side of an Upbringing card is about the limitations of these visions. A character's prejudices, assumptions, and social shortcomings can come from their upbringing as well.