
CORE | Condition

"Don't let them peck you, or you'll croak with the voice of the Raven God" -- Woody

Powerful magic has physically changed your appearance or abilities. You'll have trouble doing things you took for granted, but the new form may offer new advantages.

  • Animal traits like tails or claws
  • Limbs turned to stone or plants
  • Ethereal or elemental body
Flip to worsen the condition and get a Hit. Discard by spending a scene attending to the condition.


CORE | Condition

"Hey, that raven looks familiar... Basler?!" -- Tana

You've been physically remade into something new by powerful magic. You can still function, but it's a big adjustment. Other people may react with fear, curiosity, or hostility. You may be unable to speak or explain yourself to them.

  • Polymorphed into an animal
  • Changed into a supernatural creature
  • Made undead or demonic
Discard by spending downtime attending to the condition.