
ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"That's a big castle..." -- Basler

A Base can be a temporary encampment, an outpost, a secret headquarters, a wild animal's den, or some other protected space. You might need to find something specific, get in or out, or confront the occupants.

  • Bases can have numerous occupants
  • Traps, labyrinthine structure, or other clever preparations
  • Ways to cut off escape routes or confine interlopers
Flip to see ways to meet the encounter's challenges.


ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"The tyrant king doesn't know about these secret tunnels" -- Emory

While Bases can be big and imposing, their nature can work against their occupants. The bigger the Base, the more likely it is to hold something helpful.

  • Contain secrets about the plans and activities of its occupants
  • Hold resources, weapons, or captives
  • Include defensible choke points or hiding spots
Flip to see ways the encounter challenges the PCs.