Condition Cards

CORE | Core Rules

You can take a condition to get a Hit. Describe how. You can flip a front-side condition to worsen it and get a Hit. Describe how. Players who pose a What If can suggest a Condition that would meet it.

The condition is fictionally true and limits your actions. Other players can should ask What If when a condition would interfere with something you do. Discard any conditions that no longer apply in the fiction.

Individual condition cards describe how to clear them.

    Flip to see examples

    Condition Examples

    CORE | Core Rules

    Conditions are a way to achieve success at a cost.

    • You take Disarmed to score a final sword blow
    • Another player suggests that touching the idol will leave you Magicked
    • Take Weakened to stay within the poison cloud
    • You're already Hurt, but you can worsen it to Wounded to launch a final desperate attack
    • Spend a scene being healed by a priestess to discard Hurt, or a week of downtime doing odd jobs to discard Indebted
    Flip to see rules