
CITY | City (Dynamic)

Two neighborhoods are connected via criminal activity, from petty theft and pickpocketing to smuggling to murder. Organized crime cartels, thieves' guilds, etc. from one neighborhood may prey on the other. Or legitimate business in one is being propped up by criminal activity in the other.

  • What kinds of laws exist? Are they fair?
  • Who enforces those laws? How strictly?
  • How does the public view the criminal element?
Flip to see the unstable version of this dynamic


CITY | City (Dynamic)

Two neighborhoods are connected via criminal activity, From petty theft and pickpocketing to smuggling to murder. Gang wars between rival factions, a single criminal mastermind, or open corruption are all possibilities.

  • What kinds of laws exist? Are they fair?
  • Who enforces those laws? How strictly?
  • How does the public view the criminal element?
Flip to see the stable version of this dynamic