
ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"Back, foul fiend! Light will overcome you!" -- Emory

A Diabolical encounter has the touch of evil. An actual summoned demon, a possessed victim, or a dark and malevolent force are all Diabolic.

  • Seek to corrupt or influence the vulnerable
  • Exploit moral weaknesses or dark secrets
  • Expose its true nature and hellish powers
Flip to see ways to meet the encounter's challenges.


ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"Basler, stop cringing. He's not talking about you." -- Woody

Evil hasn't won, though it keeps trying. Powers from beyond are bound by their own rules too, and can be defeated accordingly.

Characters who arm themselves with occult lore or divine blessings may circumvent or neutralize a Diabolical power.

  • Be susceptible to folk incantations or rituals
  • Recoil from the pure of heart
  • Flee to fight another day
Flip to see ways the encounter challenges the PCs.