
ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"Earth sprites. They have the ore we seek." -- Tana

Powerful forces of nature such as volcanoes, storms, as well as elemental entities.

  • Create, animate, or manipulate its element in useful or dangerous ways
  • Change the environment with aspects of its element, such as making rivers of fire or barriers of wind
  • Counteract an opposing element, such as fire vs. water
Flip to see ways to meet the encounter's challenges.


ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"They had some nice gemstones too!" -- Basler

Each element has rules. Water flows. Fire burns, but not without fuel. Some elements can counteract others. These rules can be exploited.

  • Be vulnerable to their element's normal vulnerabilities or rules
  • Require a nearby source of the element
Flip to see ways the encounter challenges the PCs.