
CORE | Optional Rules (Frame)

Frame cards let you quickly create a game to play, when nobody in the group has any strong ideas. They are like character cards for the game itself.

Each player draws a random Frame card, or picks a specific one. They then make decisions based on those cards about what to play, and the group discusses what to make of all this. The cards are the start of a conversation, not the end of it - players can draw new cards, change their mind, etc.

    Flip to see the specific Frame. Discard once play begins.


    CORE | Optional Rules (Frame)

    Genre is any family of work connected in style or form. Genres come with expectations and tropes. For example, science fiction often comes with gadgets that save the day, while in horror it's common for devices like cars and phones to fail.

    Genre is like a lens that colors how we see a story. The same old cabin by the lake could play host to romance, horror, or mystery stories.

    • Action/Adventure
    • Mystery
    • Romance or Melodrama
    • Sci-fi or Fantasy
    Flip to see additional rules. Discard once play begins.