
CORE | Optional Rules (Frame)

Frame cards let you quickly create a game to play, when nobody in the group has any strong ideas. They are like character cards for the game itself.

Each player draws a random Frame card, or picks a specific one. They then make decisions based on those cards about what to play, and the group discusses what to make of all this. The cards are the start of a conversation, not the end of it - players can draw new cards, change their mind, etc.

    Flip to see the specific Frame. Discard once play begins.


    CORE | Optional Rules (Frame)

    Perspective is whose side of a conflict we're seeing. In a war between two sides, each side is a Perspective, but so are the innocent civilians caught in the middle, or the visitors from uninvolved nations trapped by the fighting.

    Not every player needs to play a member of the Perspective group, but that group is who the group will most often interact with.

    • Partisans and patriots in a conflict
    • Oppressed or neglected people
    • People uncovering or concealing a secret
    • Travelers experiencing local events
    Flip to see additional rules. Discard once play begins.