
ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"They outnumber us 5 to 1, folks!" -- Basler

A group of beings bound together in common purpose. Gangs can be organized, like criminal gangs or military units, or informal groups like angry mobs or animal packs.

  • Surround or isolate individuals through strength in numbers
  • Shout down or bully a lone voice
  • Bring a variety of skills or resources to bear on a problem
Flip to see ways to meet the encounter's challenges.


ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"Sounds like fair odds to me. Have at you!" -- Emory

The strength of a gang is in its numbers. Without a strong leader, the gang obeys its collective impulses. Individual members can be isolated and confronted.

  • Have competing impulses or mixed sympathies or agendas
  • Fall apart if a leader is weakened or shamed
  • Follow a new leader or impulse that better matches its agenda
Flip to see ways the encounter challenges the PCs.