
CORE | Condition

"Ow! Watch who you carve up with that thing!" -- Basler

You've been bloodied, bruised, stunned, or suffered some other temporary physical harm. You can't exert yourself too much without making it worse.

  • An enemy attacked you
  • You took a long fall or ran into something heavy
  • You were in a natural disaster or magical calamity
Flip to worsen the condition and get a Hit. Discard by spending a scene attending to the condition.


CORE | Condition

"It's...just a scratch..." -- Emory

You've been seriously injured. Every step is painful, and it's hard to concentrate. You can't move very fast or fight effectively.

Who or what holds you together until you can be treated? Will you have scars afterward?

  • You suffered major blood loss
  • You broke a bone
  • You were pierced by arrows, spears, or claws
Discard by spending downtime attending to the condition.