
ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"The bigger they are, the harder they fall!" -- Tana

This encounter includes something of enormous size. It might be naturally large, like a dragon or a giant, or have been enlarged by magic or other forces.

  • Resist human-scale attacks or effects
  • Reach or hit an entire area at once
  • Deal devastating damage to smaller creatures and objects
Flip to see ways to meet the encounter's challenges.


ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"Just as long as it doesn't fall on us." -- Basler

You may have trouble engaging with a Large encounter due to the size difference, but that trouble goes both ways. It can be hard for Large things to perceive or target smaller foes.

  • Lose track of small details or targets
  • Be easily targeted due to its size
  • Move slowly or clumsily
Flip to see ways the encounter challenges the PCs.