
ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"That ain't no ordinary wolf, folks.." -- Basler

Monstrous threats are altered forms of the familiar. They are fiercer, more feral, or disturbingly unnatural, the nightmarishly distorted vision of the original.

  • Lash out viciously
  • Use their adaptions to overwhelm the unprepared
  • Terrify onlookers with their awful nature
Flip to see ways to meet the encounter's challenges.


ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"Whoever corrupted this creature will pay. Let's find them." -- Woody

A Monstrous threat is powered by its rage or aggression, but often lack a sense of self-preservation, fighting relentlessly when others would retreat.

  • Lose themselves in their own ferocity
  • Fall into traps when goaded
  • Misunderstand those not driven by similar instincts
Flip to see ways the encounter challenges the PCs.