
ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"That's Gretamaw, the Beaked Butcher!" -- Basler

A monster whispered of by fearful villagers. A lonely place of power. An artifact of legend, replete with arcane power. A person sung of by the bards. The weight of its reputation or its followers may be as much of a danger as its own power.

  • Dominate with their presence
  • Live up to the legend in a big way
  • Reveal an unexpected ability
Flip to see ways to meet the encounter's challenges.


ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"Save the beak. We need it to claim the reward!" -- Basler

The stories about this encounter might give you clues on how to deal with it. But stories are just that, stories. You might correctly leverage its lore, or look at it with fresh eyes and discover a truth the bards omitted.

  • Behave or react predictably
  • Be less, or other, than the stories say
  • Be part of another unguessed story
Flip to see ways the encounter challenges the PCs.