
CORE | Condition

"We will deal with the brigands, your highness." -- Emory

You have a responsibility and face punishment for failure or delay. Discharging the debt may be expensive, risky, or troublesome.

  • Deliver an item or message to someone
  • Lean on an individual or group
  • Promise a favor later for a purchase now
  • Swear a magically binding oath
Flip to worsen the condition and get a Hit. Discard by spending a scene attending to the condition.


CORE | Condition

"I kinda told the thieves' guild I'd take care of something" -- Basler

You have significant debts that demand repayment. Your creditor is watching, and their rivals may offer you a devil's bargain to escape.

  • Carry out illegal or dangerous activities
  • Work with a rival or enemy to achieve a goal
  • Sacrifice comrades or principles to avoid punishment
Discard by spending downtime attending to the condition.