Plot Twist (Benefit)

CORE | Optional Rules (Crisis) | x6

You may deal this card to another player, or into the center area. It represents some benefit that should appear later on. While the benefit might linger in the fiction, the mechanical effect can only happen once.

  • Special preparations or clever setups
  • A favor owed or a divine blessing
  • A one-use device or passkey that performs an action or grants access to something
  • A window of time or a special place where something is possible
Discard this card to get a Hit

Plot Twist (Hindrance)

CORE | Optional Rules (Crisis) | x6

You may deal this card to another player, or into the center area. It represents some hindrance that should appear later on. When that hindrance comes due, it poses a What If to the player who triggered it.

  • Someone ignored something important or failed to prepare
  • A predestined doom or dark prophecy
  • A surprise calamity or stroke of bad fortune
Pose a What If relevant to this card. Discard if the What If is met.