
ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"My arrows go right through it." -- Woody

This encounter includes something ghostly or purely spiritual. Spectral entities might have obligations or passions binding them to the mortal world. They may be frightened, angry, or confused. They might wish to go - or to stay.

  • Bypass solid obstacles
  • Wield morbid magics like chilling touch or possession
  • Ravenously pursue something the living have that it wants
Flip to see ways to meet the encounter's challenges.


ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"I'll have a magic circle up in a moment!" -- Tana

Spectral beings are only visitors in the waking world. Their anchors are tenuous, and they may leave if given what they want or be forced out by those who know how.

  • Be weakened or repulsed by warding rituals
  • Fall prey to their passions
Flip to see ways the encounter challenges the PCs.