
ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"Deep breaths. Stay calm. Show them we're friends." -- Tana

The encounter includes a highly charged situation. One or more parties might be on edge, ready for confrontation with another. Can you navigate it without making everything worse?

  • Lash out with ill-considered action
  • Make bad assessments or assume the worst
  • Heedlessly run away, often making things worse
Flip to see ways to meet the encounter's challenges.


ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"You mean the real villain all this time was...?!" -- Emory

If you discover the reason for a Tense situation, you can find a ways to defuse it. You can talk others down if you aren't caught up in the situation yourself.

  • Overcome mistrust through negotiation
  • Reveal facts that counter false assumptions
  • Make compromises and sacrifices in the name of peace
Flip to see ways the encounter challenges the PCs.