The Boulevard

CITY | City (Neighborhood)

A Boulevard is where the city's artistic and aesthetic offerings connect with individual citizens. Shops, eateries, arcades, and more offer visitors chances to spend money and time. A variety of sights, sounds, and smells attracts both tourists and locals.

  • What are some of the notable sights and attractions?
  • What sort of crowds come here?
  • Does the crowd change due to time of day, season, etc.?
Flip to see the struggling version of this neighborhood

The Boulevard

CITY | City (Neighborhood)

A Boulevard is where the city's artistic and aesthetic offerings connect with individual citizens. Right now, people aren't there. Whether it's fallen from former glories, or nurturing an unblossomed seed of new ambition, it's not giving people a reason to come.

  • How new is the Boulevard compared to the city overall?
  • How does its current state make people feel?
  • Is anyone trying to attract new visitors? To stop them?
Flip to see the flourishing version of this neighborhood