The Scion

CITY | City (Personality)

The Scion is the beneficiary of long city tradition. They may come from noble stock or long-hoarded wealth, hold an old and honored name, or hold significant land or relics. They seem well-liked and happy in their position.

  • What is the Scion's place in the city and its history?
  • What secrets does their legacy hold?
  • How have they used their position?
Flip to see the vulnerable version of this personality

The Scion

CITY | City (Personality)

The Scion is the beneficiary of long city tradition. The may come from once-honored aristocratic stock, inherit ill-gotten gains, or live in the shadow of whispered accusations and dark secrets about their bloodline.

  • What is the Scion's place in the city and its history?
  • What secrets does their legacy hold?
  • How have they used their position?
Flip to see the dominant version of this personality