
ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"Don't let it touch you! Your skin will rot away!" -- Woody

Venomous creatures, assassins with poisoned blades, swamp gasses, and many other things can afflict you with sickness. Poisons can be fast acting and deadly, or gradually debilitating.

  • Sicken anyone in contact with them
  • Fend off an attack with the threat of toxin
  • Spread the toxin to others
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"My arrows can fly farther than its spit." -- Woody

Some toxins have antidotes, or may not penetrate some kinds of defense. For example, a snake's fangs might be deflected by armor.

  • Inadvertently harm allies, or themselves if they are not immune
  • Be unable to deliver its poison if you find adequate protection
  • Fail to harm something or someone with a natural or acquired immunity
Flip to see ways the encounter challenges the PCs.