
ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"This unholy abomination will fall!" -- Emory

Necromancy, curses, or strange phenomena can bring a deceased creature back to a false life. The being is sustained by magic, not biology. Some undead are mindless; others are disturbingly cunning.

  • Ignore the frailties of mortal existence
  • Frighten onlookers with a reminder of mortality
  • Employ dread powers
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ENCOUNTERS | Encounter

"Not so much fell as fell apart..." -- Basler

Being sustained by dark magic, the undead are equally vulnerable to it. Many cannot abide holy objects, places, or effects. Others are bound by orders to only guard a certain place, or do a certain thing.

  • Weaken or expire in the presence of the sacred or the pure
  • Fall prey to tricks or traps a thinking being could avoid
  • Have limitations its creator didn't anticipate
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