
CORE | Condition

"This is the last of our fresh water." -- Woody

Vital gear has been damaged, or resources are running low. You must ration what remains, or improvise a replacement.

  • Blunted or broken weapons, low on arrows
  • Damaged or partial armor
  • Malfunctioning magical tools
  • Lacking food, water, or medicine
Flip to worsen the condition and get a Hit. Discard by spending a scene attending to the condition.


CORE | Condition

"The flood washed away our campsite! Now what?" -- Basler

Your gear or supplies have been broken, lost, or taken. You must scavenge for substitutes or make do with bare-bones replacements.

  • Equipment lost in floods or other calamity
  • Stripped of weapons by enemies
  • Magical tools disenchanted
  • Completely without rations or shelter
Discard by spending downtime attending to the condition.