What If?

CORE | Core Rules

When another player narrates a PC's action, such as "I attack the ogre", you can ask "what if...?" You must propose an interesting alternative outcome, such as "what if the ogre smashes you across the room?"

If anyone else in the group accepts the What If, and no player vetoes it, the original player must get a Hit for their narration to prevail. They can also opt to accept the What If.

What Ifs can pre-empt the action ("your attack doesn't land, the ogre smashes you") or add to it ("your attack lands, and the ogre counters").

    Flip for additional rules.

    What If?

    CORE | Core Rules

    Other players can suggest ways to build on the What If, or propose their own alternatives. Only one What If can prevail.

    Use What Ifs to make characters work overcome threats, or introduce complications to their actions. What Ifs can pre-empt the original action, or add an outcome after it finishes.

    What If...

    • A Condition card you took would interfere with your action?
    • The risks inherent in some difficult or complex action come into play?
    • A new danger appears, or an existing danger is escalated?
    • It seems dramatically appropriate for a thing to happen?
    Flip for additional rules.